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Why is subeta so bad? I don't understand.
Aug 05 2014 09:05 AM
  • Futurama's Photo
    Cause a major company isn't running it and they don't have the same amount of funds as Neopets.
    Aug 05 2014 09:12 AM
  • Cupcakes's Photo
    I've played Subeta for about 4 years. It used to be really fun, now it's just... bad.
    Aug 05 2014 09:41 AM
  • I actually really loved Subeta the first week I started and then I got banned for multiple accounts even though I only had one account. Turns out I'd made an account years before with the same email and never logged in again.. They banned that one also. I submitted a ticket and they told me I could re-register in a YEAR. So I waited a year, signed up, and got banned for multiple accounts again.. At that point I said fuck it.
    Aug 05 2014 10:40 AM