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I've been drinking a gallon of water a day for over a week now. It's crazy how much better I feel. Trying to de-age my face so I can stay beautiful! ;*
Aug 30 2014 10:27 AM
  • Cupcakes's Photo
    @arcanum Yeah that was my problem, too. But I pretty much just carry around this gallon jug and drink out of it, so it helps massively! xD
    Aug 30 2014 02:17 PM
  • Kaddict's Photo
    Drinking tons of water is actually more dangerous when your are exercising. 1 gallon a day won't harm you though. But, your body doesn't need 3L/day. "They" recommend 8 glasses (at 8oz each would be under 2L), but even that is unnecessary.
    Aug 30 2014 02:25 PM
  • NapisaurusRex's Photo
    well, actually, it depends on the rest of your diet. There's more to it than just spreading it out through the day. You have to balance your salt and electrolytes with your water intake.
    Aug 30 2014 02:25 PM