Read chapter 12 first then head over to the battle dome
3 opponents so far
Shadow Phantom Minion 8 hp 50 cap
Shadow Phantom Destroyer 50 hp
Shadow Phantom Commander 150 hp 30 cap

Win/draw against all opponents.

Bought a Trumpet Of Blasting & used it in a battle. Or use some r45-r50 weapon.

Finish a battle in 3 turns exactly.
Bonus Items again

Let me know if anyone finds out about caps or how to get the other achievements.
Shadow Phantom Minion - 50
Shadow Phantom Destroyer - 40
Shadow Phantom Commander - 30
Shadow Phantom Brute - 45
Shadow Phantom Conqueror - 35
Shadow Phantom Annihilator - 25
Shadow Phantom Fury - 40
Shadow Phantom Zealot - 30
Shadow Phantom Tormentor - 20
Thank you to picco and omega for the caps and the menace acheivement data
Errand Spelling

Decipher one spell and complete at least one of the four group activities. ( Containment, Guidance, Stabilization and Supression )
Jack of All Stations

Successfully complete all four stations. ( Containment, Guidance, Stabilization and Supression )
Cast Away!

Click here:
Then click here:
Link to guide: http://www.neopets.c...pticy#stepeight
Edited by Noitidart, 24 November 2010 - 02:22 PM.