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Neocodex API

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Poll: Neocodex API

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Are you interested? (As-in: Will you use it)

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#1 Pyro699

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 06:43 AM


So this idea has been floating around the codex staff chat occasionally and i finally am taking the initiative to move this idea into the open. Before i do that though i need to figure if this is even a feasible thing to do.

The idea is basically to make a public API that anyone (with a key) can access to preform certain back-end operations. Currently the only (regular) idea that we have is to help re-stockers track their data without having to use Abrosia. They would be aloud to submit their own data at their own free will. Something else that would not only benefit us but other neopet fan-sites on the net; in exchange for pricing items in our database (using methods we would forward after we talked) we would give them access to pull information on specific items from our database for their usage (what ever it might be). This would be considered a premium key.

The difference in obtaining a premium key is that you must first undergo an interview to see if it is feasible for you to be given one. Asking for one simply because you want one is out of the question. It is a two way street, you give - we give.

If you are truly not interested in this project PLEASE vote no, i will not put you on a pyro-shit-list or anything i really need to know this information before i put hours and hours of work into it. So again, you will not be put on a pyro-shit-list :p I have also made the poll public for the reason that if you vote yes on either of the options i might be in contact with you for possible ideas and features.

Thanks for your time


URL: ~/api/get/?key=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e&group=item&args=1&format=json

	'seotitle': 'green-apple',
	'object_id': 1,
	'name': 'Green Apple',
	'image': 'food_apple',
	'rarity': 20,
	'description': 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away!',
	'price': 654,
	'shop_price': 819,
	'shop_id': 1

#2 kittycat

  • 633 posts

Posted 06 July 2011 - 06:51 AM

I don't really understand the concept. So restockers from other fansites are willing to manually enter their results into our database in exchange for use of the IDB universally or w.e?

How accurate are human made stats compared to automated?

#3 DoNotAnnoyMe

  • 157 posts

Posted 06 July 2011 - 06:57 AM

an example usage would be that if you wrote your own restocker and have a neocodex account, you could still keep track of your buys/sells using the neotracker.

for the premium key I'd suppose some example usage could be that you contribute to the idb by making that restocker publish the prices he got to the idb and in exchange might be able to query some other data from the database (e.g. rarity) that could be useful for you. (or on a bigger scale: synching item prices between big databases out there)

Edited by DoNotAnnoyMe, 06 July 2011 - 06:58 AM.

#4 Pyro699

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 07:04 AM

I don't really understand the concept. So restockers from other fansites are willing to manually enter their results into our database in exchange for use of the IDB universally or w.e?

How accurate are human made stats compared to automated?

DoNotAnnoyMe is correct; just read his post.

The only human entered data would probably be for the neotracker :p It can be automated though

#5 kittycat

  • 633 posts

Posted 06 July 2011 - 07:05 AM

an example usage would be that if you wrote your own restocker and have a neocodex account, you could still keep track of your buys/sells using the neotracker.

for the premium key I'd suppose some example usage could be that you contribute to the idb by making that restocker publish the prices he got to the idb and in exchange might be able to query some other data from the database (e.g. rarity) that could be useful for you. (or on a bigger scale: synching item prices between big databases out there)

I don't think there is a point of inputting so much information manually to just have information for your own purposes when you can just become a neocodex member, but the preminum key usage for some colab super IDB might be very useful if we can find one that is up to par with our own, more items surely will be added quicker, priced, and rarities, etc

#6 Pyro699

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 07:27 AM

What about for information that cannot be entered via Abrosia? such as items you have sold through the trading post or auctions? What about if you bough an item and wanted to keep track of that? There are many applications for which this can be used. The interest just needs to be there for me to move forward with it.

#7 kittycat

  • 633 posts

Posted 06 July 2011 - 07:30 AM

What about for information that cannot be entered via Abrosia? such as items you have sold through the trading post or auctions? What about if you bough an item and wanted to keep track of that? There are many applications for which this can be used. The interest just needs to be there for me to move forward with it.

That would give more accurate pricings for unbuyables, also a good look at the UBs that are worth like ~200k that people throw in their store for 99k because they are too HTS, then tracking the times from purchase that it took to sell an UB item would be amazing then we would have a catalog of items that will be statistically proven ETS-HTS

PS. I'm yes to premium now, because I see no reason to be against it, and if a reason does come up, it can be easily disbanded.

Edited by kittycat, 06 July 2011 - 07:31 AM.

#8 Pyro699

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 07:48 AM

I do see a lot of people going for the premium key. Please do remember that we will not be giving those out like candy... You will have to give us reasons why you will be a substantial contributor in-order for us to continue...

#9 kittycat

  • 633 posts

Posted 06 July 2011 - 07:54 AM

I do see a lot of people going for the premium key. Please do remember that we will not be giving those out like candy... You will have to give us reasons why you will be a substantial contributor in-order for us to continue...

The premium key would be more of a thing for people who aren't members of this site more so than ones that already are and using the programs, right?

#10 Pyro699

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 07:59 AM

The premium key would be more of a thing for people who aren't members of this site more so than ones that already are and using the programs, right?

(congrats on the 500th post)

No, our original goal was that it would be used for admins of other websites that dont have an item database... or other sites that offer other item buying solutions and wish to use it... So far premium keys let you pull raw data from the item database if you dont know how to program then it really does not apply to you.

#11 kittycat

  • 633 posts

Posted 06 July 2011 - 08:34 AM

(congrats on the 500th post)

No, our original goal was that it would be used for admins of other websites that dont have an item database... or other sites that offer other item buying solutions and wish to use it... So far premium keys let you pull raw data from the item database if you dont know how to program then it really does not apply to you.

Oh okay I get you, yeah this seems like a good idea.

#12 Applepi

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 08:39 AM

This really does seem like a great idea. I'm not sure how it would be of use to me personally yet, but I can see it benefitting a lot of other people. Would it be possible to get the premium key at a later date as opposed to right away? I may be interested but at the same time, I'm not completely sure what direction this project will head.

#13 CJames

  • 388 posts

Posted 06 July 2011 - 09:18 AM

If i understood correctly.. this project is to help improve the item database we currently have.. With regards to the UBs, yes! that would really benefit the database as for the moment only people with 500 post can help input into the database(again, if im correct..).. i found a couple but cant do it yet...

The trouble would be if the manual update is wrongly priced...

#14 Joanna

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 09:28 AM

Is the vote to say if we think its a good idea... or if we would do personally??

Because I would do it, depending on the restrictions..... but I'm not sure its a good idea to open it up to EVERY premium member. So I voted no.


I re-read and I think I understand now. Changed my vote.

Edited by Joanna, 06 July 2011 - 09:29 AM.

#15 Pyro699

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 09:51 AM

For those people who are waiting on more information; can you please tell me what that information is so i can help you make an informed decision?

#16 Blackout

  • 411 posts

Posted 06 July 2011 - 10:49 AM

I don't get this either.
If it's peeps from other sites, won't they just come here and mess with all our profit numbers and troll it?

#17 Pyro699

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 10:57 AM

I don't get this either.
If it's peeps from other sites, won't they just come here and mess with all our profit numbers and troll it?

No Internet, only you would do that.

Its not users from other sites; its the admins from other sites that wish to have access to a database that they dont already have. It is more like a collaborative project between multiple sites. It would not be like hading them a set of keys to a car and telling them to have fun :p It would more like being in a driving simulation; where the people running it could control and analyze everything that is going on. All actions that are taken will be logged and be given the option (by admins) to reverse any and all actions preformed. This is our baby; and we wont let people mess with it.

#18 Applepi

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:05 AM

I'm not necessarily looking more information as much as just waiting to see where the project ends up heading. I don't feel like I'm qualified to have much of a vote anyways since I just recently started using Abrosia and the DB and and still learning the lay of the land.

If hypothetically, I was given a premium key, what would I be expected to contribute to the project?

#19 Pyro699

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:12 AM

In exchange for us giving you information on items; we would want other information received on items. That means that we would like to see up-todate item prices for some items. It would not be a one-to-one ratio; but if we noticed that you were taking and never giving; we would roll back your permissions until we had a good talking with you.

The uses for a normal key (which anyone can get). Would be that you can contribute information to your neotracker profile. Such as the unbuyables and stuff :)

#20 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:20 AM

I wouldn't want anybody else being able to edit the data in our Item Database.

#21 Applepi

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:37 AM

But isn't neotracker only available to advanced members?

Also I have to agree with Waser, I would be weary of allowing just anyone to edit information in the DB...could there be a way to submit a change that would only be enacted once an admin from here accepts it? Kinda like comments on some blogs? That way, you can ensure that only legit changes make it to the DB and no one ends up getting screwed over because of it.

#22 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:40 AM

But isn't neotracker only available to advanced members?

Neotracker is available to all of our users.

#23 Applepi

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:43 AM

Neotracker is available to all of our users.

Really? I was told yesterday that it was only available to advanced users. How can I access it? (sorry if this is a stupid question :( )

#24 Pyro699

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:47 AM

But isn't neotracker only available to advanced members?

Also I have to agree with Waser, I would be weary of allowing just anyone to edit information in the DB...could there be a way to submit a change that would only be enacted once an admin from here accepts it? Kinda like comments on some blogs? That way, you can ensure that only legit changes make it to the DB and no one ends up getting screwed over because of it.

Believe me when i say it wont be as straight-forward as "hey i have a value, i think i'm gonna stick it in the database"

#25 Applepi

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 11:50 AM

Believe me when i say it wont be as straight-forward as "hey i have a value, i think i'm gonna stick it in the database"

That's a lot more comforting :) I guess I can change my vote from undecided to yes! Its a great idea and I can't wait to see/help it start moving!

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