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Occupy Wall Street - A protest of huge proportions

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#76 pkdust

  • 136 posts

Posted 01 November 2011 - 12:16 PM

I really agree with the protest values, but the logic behind it is a bit... shall we say flawed.

#77 revolverex

  • 9 posts

Posted 04 November 2011 - 09:48 PM

Im hoping things change for the better, the oakland riots show how stupid police officers can be to peaceful protestors

#78 Therion

  • 209 posts

Posted 05 November 2011 - 07:38 PM

The problem is that Democracy is a scam. America was founded as a Constitutional Republic, with SOME Democratic principles. 51% shouldn't be able to control the other 49%. There are rights that you are born with that, 99% of the country could never take away from you. We shouldn't be forced to give up our 4th Amendment every time we want to fly on a plane. We restrict people from their 2nd Amendment all the time because their name is on a list somewhere. The 16th Amendment is unratified and the federal income tax is a complete scam... Its organized crime, and its infiltrated everything. How many people even know all the Amendments? We are not an informed citizenship as a whole... Otherwise it wouldn't have gone this far.

This is a perfect example of corruption being so entrenched that people don't even see it as corruption anymore.

One of the worst healthcare systems in the developed world, absolutely awful education rates amongst your elementary and highschools and a media where if you honestly want to get news about your country, you're better off going to a UK website or something similar. These don't have anything to do directly with OWS, but they are all largely a result of corporate interests trumping human rights. You are working twice as hard, so that a bunch of men in suits who's job description is to lie, can afford private jets and $84000 coffee tables. Hell, half of your current government are former wall street executives looking out for their friends. Democracy is quickly becoming an asset to be bought and sold in the US, and it's causing a ripple effect on every other nation that mirrors your economic system. The absolute worst thing you can do is sit back and justify corporate greed because "oh, you could be worse off, be grateful"

I would be down there protesting if I could.

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