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Doomsday Theories

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#51 Leaf

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Posted 16 February 2012 - 09:29 PM

I'm one of those who believe (almost hopes) the zombie apocalypse would kick us in the gonads when we least expect it.

The Mayan thing is a load of crud though.

That would be the funnest thing ever!
I live up in the mountains so it would be extra freaky running around the forest at night while zombies chased you
But i wish it would happen already... I think I've played enough resident evil to know how to mix some green and red herbs.

#52 Leaf

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 10:48 AM

Freaking Russel i swear. See what you got me started on.
First i started googling Doomsday...
Then i ended up on some youtube videos about doomsday
Next those led me to some website called beyond-undercover.com or some crap like that
those led me to some Chinese server streaming Doomsday prophecies based on the I-Ching or whatever they call it
and that led me back to youtube,
Where i eventually found some radio station called Coast to Coast AM where they talk about doomsday and aliens and shit.

You have officially taken enough of my time with this post you made. Therefore i will cut my losses and leave now.
but before i do, here is a video, appropriately called "Doomsday"


#53 Juturna

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 11:59 AM

i just lost all of my post whoops

Um what was I saying? Oh yes. i do believe the world is going to end someday. Our planet can't be around forever, you know. To me, it's just unfathomable that something will exist 'forever' It's going to die someday, although I don't think it will for a few more [m/b]illion years at the very least. And at that time, I really don't think humans, or life in general, will be here anymore.

Now the human race and life as we know it, I think is going to at least hold out for another 50 more years (because I'm really unsure of the rate we're attacking our planet is at. It may be more close to 1000, I don't know. And trying to imagine what life will be like in 50 years sorta scares me) Well, that's if we don't take better care of it. But the human race dying out, as the earth dying out, is completely inevitable. Now how that'll happen is questionable: I'm on the boat of we're slowly destroying our planet and it'll be unable to care for us as it has been. I do believe we'll die other before other species though. And then after we're gone?Who knows? But eventually,the earth will die.

Do I think the earth will end in 2012? Nope.Unless we get a superpowered virus or something. Even a giant asteroid I don't think would do it.

But when the world ends, or the human race ends, it's just going to die. It's nothing I think we can predict. At least until it starts happening, I guess. But at the time we know it'll happen, I don't believe

As Nymh said, a new age is what might happen. Honestly, it's not for sure. I believe, whatever happens in 2012, is completely up to humans. If we decide to take better care of our planet, and fix lots of things, there might be a new golden age. But if we continue slowly killing the planet and things, things will just continue going downhill. Or if we decide to produce a supervirus, we could kill ourselves,s that too.Nothing is set in stone. That technological thing that soul stealer posted is definitely something I feel makes sense. /casually reads through wiki (since it's my first time hearing about it) I don't think it's a for sure thing (I think end/death is the only sure thing. and uncertainty. When looking at the future,anyways) but I can definitely see it happening sometime. it sorta reminds of the Proto Fal'Cie Adam from Final Fantasy XIII-2, or Mass/Powerful Artificial intelligence, since that game, has scared me. Then again, I guess humans could take over and do things very similar.

Then again, part of me believes we'll die out before AI is prevalent in the world. Eh. I'll have to look into that more. I've heard of robotic/AI age, but I didn't know there was an entire subject on the matter. Hm.

I think it's rather funny how people think the Mayan Calander predicted the end of the world. As the OP said, it's basically the end of a calender, like the end of our yearly one. I do think it's sorta creepy how those civilizations just seemed to disappear, but they probably just died out due to Famine or something of the like. I don't know.

With my limited knowledge of science and technology, being only in High School, that probably wasn't very convincing and I probably don't know anything, but eh.

/steps off soap box

#54 Caisson

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Posted 24 February 2012 - 12:37 PM

Basically, I agree with others, the world is going to end someday. But my guess it's either from an airborne disease that will kill us all, or us human's will just kill each other with nukes.

#55 Leaf

  • 372 posts

Posted 24 February 2012 - 09:28 PM

Basically, I agree with others, the world is going to end someday. But my guess it's either from an airborne disease that will kill us all, or us human's will just kill each other with nukes.

This is true... billions of years from now the sun will spend its energy and blow up on us.

But ill think we'll be dead long before then. I doubt this planet can sustain us for that long.

We are human but hardly act like it, we dont even act like animals (which can live in harmony with the land)

We act more like a virus.

Anyways though this is not why i came on this post....

Hey Russel i was looking up more videos, and i found a bunch of weird videos of people recording weird noises all over the world.
They report them as sounded like huge trumpets. Any Ideas? I don't mean to be a bible thumper but it sounds pretty similar to the revelation accounts of trumpets sounding in the air.
I saw another video explaining that it has something to do with the magnetic fields around the earth changing
But even if that is true it doesn't make the part about the bible false. Imagine someone trying to explain to people back then
What magnetic fields were and how they were going to change and make weird noises in the sky.
The best way to have them write about it would be to compare it to something that they were familiar with i.e. "trumpets in the sky"

Anyways look it up and tell me what you think. Also look up the Norwegian Spiral. I was at a complete loss with this one. And its not no fucking rocket.

#56 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 04:47 AM

I've been waiting FOREVER to say this:

Posted Image


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Posted 06 March 2012 - 11:09 AM

I've been waiting FOREVER to say this:

Posted Image

I already knew the mayan crap was bull but this will (hopefully) shut those mayan yahoos up. :p

I don't believe in one event that will wipe out all of earth I think its going to be a slow process caused by us human, Eventually all of our resources are going to run out and then where will we be?

#58 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 11:10 AM

Eventually all of our resources are going to run out and then where will we be?



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Posted 06 March 2012 - 11:18 AM


I was thinking more like Spain.
Greece is too Greasy *Ba dum tssss*

#60 NapisaurusRex

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 03:07 PM

Eventually all of our resources are going to run out and then where will we be?


In Yorkshire, starving.

#61 zandra

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 04:43 PM

I believe it will reach eventually, though it wont be in an instant like a meteor that killed the dinosaurs. Probably gradually die a slow death due to global warming.(not in our lifetimes of course)

#62 Zirae

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Posted 18 April 2012 - 07:01 AM

The "end of the world" sounds like a good excuse to party. Party like it's the end of the world, then party cause it's not. Yay!

#63 IcedEarth

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 01:45 AM

It's only speculation about the Mayan Calendar. I watched Ancient Aliens, the episode about the Mayans and the next one right after about the apocalypse. They were saying something about it being the end of the fifth age of man. So rather than the world ending it's said to be the end of an age.

There was something about 9 Gods returning to the earth on December 21st 2012. I don't know about the leap year thing, it didn't really say but they compared the Mayan Calendar to the atomic clock at it was only off by 0.2 days I think.

If anyone hasn't seen it, you should watch the whole Ancient Aliens series. Quite scary.

#64 Warlord

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Posted 08 May 2012 - 07:04 AM

My idea for what will happen this year is not one of catastrophe, but more progressive. I think that we are coming into a time of awakening and enlightenment. I don't think that our planet is going to be destroyed, but rather in a way reborn as we ascend into our next Golden Age.

Yeah, this is pretty much what I think will and should happen.

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