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#1 RandomNameIgnoreIt

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 08:07 PM

Alright, I'm going to do a bit of a dual thing here and both present an issue to debate, and rant about it.

The issue: Morality. Morality means different things to different people, and I suppose that would be one of the debateable points of this topic. What exactly does morality mean to you? Some immoral people know they are immoral, and others simply like to fool themselves into thinking they have morals, but then their moral code is corrupt and shallow.

One thing that is for sure is that morality is in danger. The sad thing? A lot of people either don't care, or they WANT it to be that way. Everyone loves their sex and violence, and while there are typically shallow attempts to shield these things from young eyes, it's mostly all for show. Everyone will see it anyway, whether they want to or not, or whether they are of the age to or not.

So what is morality? First: It has nothing to do with religion. The first person that comes into this topic and calls me some sort of fundamentalist Christian gets a swift kick in the ass. There is no relation. Most religions have moral values, but moral values are not exclusive to religion. One doesn't need to have Christ/Allah/Buddah/whoever in order to know what is right, and what is not.

I do support religion, despite the fact that I disagree with a lot of things about it, and hate a lot of its followers with a passion (especially for their hypocrisy) but the message it provides is a good one, and thus I support it. I support anything that can make society less corrupt than it is.


First, sex. Kids are having sex younger and younger now a days, and no one seems to care. The big issue is abortion, ooo whee big ****in' deal. How about we stop the kids from getting pregnant in the first place rather than waiting until with can whine about what they do with the baby once it is too late. As time goes on, it seems society becomes more and more loose. More and more becomes acceptable, and anyone that disagrees with the acceptance is just getting in the way of your good time.

Ideally, we should not have sex until marriage. That is a religious institution, however I view it more as a permanant committment between two people. It's not realistic to expect people to wait until they have an official ceremony to seal the deal. However it is perfectly reasonable to make an emotional lifetime committment to someone before having sex with them.

But then I'll hear some people say, "But you have to have sex with them first, or how do you know if you want to be with them for the rest of your life?" Or as I've also heard it called, giving someone a "test drive."

It doesn't matter. If you have genitals, you can f***. That's it. If your partner can't f*** and you can, teach them. If you can't teach them, you aren't that good either. Live with it. It's not that important. Consider what percentage of your life is spent having sex and it becomes apparent how completely rediculous it is that you compromise the emotional qualities of a sexual relationship just to get off. You don't need to "test drive" someone, because if you wouldn't be with them if they don't f*** well, then you shouldn't be with them at all, you shallow piece of s***.

Ahem, okay, sorry, got a bit um... lost in anger on the subject :p

Anyway. I'm not saying you should wait until you are married to have sex. What I'm saying is that Debbie shouldn't lift her skirt because Billy took her to the prom, or Teddy shouldn't think that getting laid is some essential part of his teenage years. When should you have sex? When you are confident that you can spend the rest of your life with this person.

We all know s*** happens, and that is unforseeable, but at the very least you should reach that point before having sex with someone. If it changes later, you should do everything you can to remedy it.

But no, people today are all about the flings and one-night stands. F***ing is considered social status. No one teaches morals anymore, and all tv and movies constantly promote is sex sex sex. Compare the number of references to love, and the number of references to sex you see on television, and it'll be quite obvious which one comes out on top.

In moderation it can be okay. Problem is, the majority of people have no f***ing idea what moderation is. If you party every week and get smashed every time, that's not moderation. If you end up puking in the toilet later, that's not moderation. Moderation is having a little bit to drink among friends, and maybe getting a little tipsy at a social event. Moderation is not getting drunk off your ass with complete strangers.

But people don't seem to realize this. The drunkards (and later, the druggies) are always the ones saying everything is fine in moderation. Yet they don't even know what moderate is. And let's not forget that it's pretty certain that getting drunk corrupts other aspects of your morality as well. Put a little alcohol in a moral person and they'll get immoral real quick.

Some people think that's cool. I think those people are not worthy of their lives. People that get amusement out of this s***. People that have nothing better to do than either distort their own reality and escape into a drunken haze, or do it to someone else.

Am I saying drinking is always bad? No. Am I saying people can't handle it? F*** yes. Just like almost everything on this planet, we abuse it. The majority of people can't just drink a little, they drink a lot. For no reason, even. No occasion. Just hey, people are around, let's get drunk. Hey, the game is on, let's get drunk. Hey, I farted, let's get drunk.


And once more, like sex, drinking alcohol is a status symbol. If you get drunk with people you're cool, easy to get along with. If you don't, you're considered uptight and boring.

But yes, the lack of common sense is astounding. No one seems to give a damn that what they are doing is a complete waste of their time and serves only to harm their bodies and make them do potentially regretful things. They care about forgetting the moment and feeling like nothing matters but whatever stupid party they are currently attending.

And people are proud of that. Wasting their time. Well guess what, hey guys, I played a video game yesterday. Yeah. Yeah. It was pretty awesome. Then threw pencils at the wall. IT ROCKED! WOOOO! GO WASTING TIME!

Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid stupid.

Did I say stupid?

First, let me start this off by saying yes, I've done some drugs before. Nothing hard, but nonetheless stuff I should not have done. And yes, more than just a few times. Was I stupid when I did it?

Hell yes, I was a complete f***ing idiot.

Do I understand why people do it? Sure I do. There's lots of reasons. But everyone should know it's bad. It's astounding... The fact that it's bad gets drilled into your mind from an early age, it comes from every direction, everywhere! Plus, common sense dictates that the substances are harmful.

Then some people insist that it's good. Yes, people say it's good. These people, please, if you are one of these people, kill yourself. Immediately. Just because it's understandable why you are doing it doesn't mean you shouldn't know that what you're doing is bad for you, and you should be trying to stop.

If you do it, but know it's bad and want to stop, I respect you. If you do it, and then it's fantastic and want to do more, I want you to die :D We got that line clear? Okay then.

This one is short and sweet. If you think drugs are good at all (and no, I don't mean medically perscribed pharmaceuticals used at the perscribed dosage) then you are nothing but either an idiot, or someone deceiving themselves so they don't break down crying about it in the middle of the day.

That's that. There is no moderation. Moderation goes against what drugs ARE. It doesn't make any f***king sense. Look the word 'addiction' up in the dictionary. And for those of you that don't think pot is addictive... Go look at one of your pothead friends. K? K.


I could go on and on forever about this, but I should let others speak before I continue on about it :D I don't expect this to a popular opinion (though I wish it was) but I don't really care, because I think it's important.

If you're offended by this topic... Well, I'm not sorry. I think you're a bad person. Of course I won't shun you or anything, but you're a bad person and you need to change. (There are exceptions of course, but I hardly feel like coming up with a list and typing it all here)

#2 Vegas

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 08:26 PM

i kina skimmed through it because u sounded like my religion teacher there for a bit.my sex morality has been lost ages ago except the part about babies.i dont need drug morality because i have drug intelligence that makes me not do it.my alcohol is i'd say moderated so i guess i have morality when i know enuff is enuff.
i'd say in general i'd say i have alot of morals even though i tend to fuck around and joke about being immoral alot of the times.
dont tell anybody but really deep inside me,i am a nice,kind,considerate,caring,sensitive person. :whistling:

Edited by Scope, 27 February 2006 - 08:28 PM.

#3 Alex

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 08:50 PM

One thing that is for sure is that morality is in danger.

I agree with you so so so much.
I look at my friends and the people around me and I just cant help but get a feeling that their parents did not educate them about morrals and that when these kids grow up the world is only going to get worse.

For example I have one friend who is an extreme gamer, however, he is also a profesional scammer (in games). He tries to scam EVERY chance he gets. Sometimes I think he even tries to scam friends. He scams people in WoW, he scams people in GuildWars, he scams people out of CD Keys, out of accounts, out of money.
At one point he even scammed someone who ended up being a hacker and tracing him to a telephone number and calling him.
He used to be a great friend, but everyday he talks to me about his doings and everyday I lose trust in him. And yet he takes great pride in what he does.
"Scammed 600 gold yesterday" "Scammed a lvl 60 yesterday".
In fact he goes to such extremes that he admins a trading website, and scams his own members and then bans them so they cant voice out.
I cant help but think what happens when he grows up. What kind of horrible and immoral practices would that turn into....

Calling me a boyscout or some shit like that, but I believe in the right thing to do.

#4 Sean

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 08:52 PM

I COMPLETELY and utterly agree with you. What you just sais is exactly whayt I've been trying to tell my stupid friends.
I have a 12 year old friend whos goal is to get laid by the end of SEVENTH grade. He says, "You're just afraid". I say, no, I'm just not stupid. k? Thanks.

Drugs are stupid no matter how you try to spin them. My dad had cancer and was asked if he wanted medicinal marijuana. Take note, he was in extreme pain and still didnt take the pot. Alcohol in moderation is ok. Though, I don't plan on drinking because of experiences in my life which has completely driven me away from the stuff.

I hate it how a seven year old will come up to me wanting to fight. And I'm serious. A freakin SEVEN year old comes up to me saying that he is going to "Beat the s*** out of me." I pushed the little bugger out of the way. Later I heard the same little kid talking about "f***ing some girls p***y up". Needless to say I wanted to kill him

Anyways, I agree =)

#5 Vegas

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 08:57 PM

yes another lack of morals is with parents swearing around their kids.i mean it hurts me to see my gr.2 or 3 i think neighbour say"whens the fucking elevator coming'also growin up i had a friend who parents constantly swore and even as just under gr.4,he would swear constantly and knew most of them and even got in trouble by some lady who scolded him 4 swearing at a bus stop.morality is lacking for kids growin up these days.also the acting of adults being okay with casual sex,drinking,teens taking drugs is definetly not a good example to show to little kids who get soo influenced

and alex ur friend is internet hustla haha

Edited by Scope, 27 February 2006 - 09:09 PM.

#6 Funnlecake

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 08:59 PM

well i think that everyone should be kind to each other and be working for a better future. They should think more intelegently. But i like my sex and violence and more adult media better.

#7 sockopen

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 09:07 PM

I agree with most of what you said.

I don't understand religion though, it's almost some form of brainwash, and then the brainwashed people brainwash others, as if it were the plague. No, you don't know who God / the Gods are, or if there are any. Stop begging people to come to your churches, don't tell me to come find God or Jehovah, I don't want to see you on my TV, and stop discriminating others who don't believe in what you were brainwashed into thinking. Thanks.

#8 Tetiel

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 09:09 PM

mmm... *snuggles* you need snuggles ^_^ Hehe... and this is one of the reasons I love you :D *nod nod* agreed!

#9 RandomNameIgnoreIt

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 09:12 PM

I agree with most of what you said.

I don't understand religion though, it's almost some form of brainwash, and then the brainwashed people brainwash others, as if it were the plague. No, you don't know who God / the Gods are, or if there are any. Stop begging people to come to your churches, don't tell me to come find God or Jehovah, I don't want to see you on my TV, and stop discriminating others who don't believe in what you were brainwashed into thinking. Thanks.

The thing is, you can't let that be confused with morality. Personally I don't go to church or consider myself part of a relgion. No relation to the morality of a person though :p As a matter of fact a lot of church-goers are hypocrites that are worse than others in immorality, so yeah, no relation there. I think the principals religion is founded on are great though.

mmm... *snuggles* you need snuggles ^_^ Hehe... and this is one of the reasons I love you :D *nod nod* agreed!

*snuggles back* I always do, you know :p

#10 dolphinbomb


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Posted 27 February 2006 - 09:48 PM

Morality? *looks* I don't see anything.

The US is in a sad state with morality these days, as kids are trying to grow up way too fast.
(I'm tired.. that's all I really have to say..)

I'm not a holder of the HIGHEST morals, but I'm not that bad.

I have never had a drink in my life. Never done an illicit drug, never smoked. I'm clean on that point.

Sex... is different. I am technically still a virgin, as is my girlfriend.

However, we've done pretty much everything except for any type of intercourse. Trust me on this: Once you get started, it's hard to stop.
We started this stuff about 2 months ago.. (we've been together nearly 15 months now) and it's kind of accelerated.
However, we will not "go all the way" for a good and long time, mainly because I'm not ready for that (And I'm sure she isn't either). There are too many things that could come of it.
I might not wait till I'm married. I thought I would to do the things we have already.
But I waited, at least. I waited until I was with someone I knew, and loved and cared about deeply, because I'm sure it's much more fulfilling that way. I didn't do anything when I was 13, 14 yr's old like I hear about so often. I waited until I was close to 18 years old, and when I felt I was ready.

Flings and One night stands are pointless, and just a hopeless search for that one "thing" people have been missing.. with the vain hope they'll find it once they f*** enough people.

Yeah, I lied.. I said more stuff.

Honestly I don't know what you'll get out of it, since it seems really disjointed, but there you go.

#11 Frizzle

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 11:08 PM

Yes, I agree with all of your statements, except for the one on drugs.
Most drugs are chemically addicted, but cannabis ISN'T. It's been proven not be to be chemically addictive, yes it can be mentally addictive, but so can eating chocolate or masturbating.

Weed isn't that much of a dangerous drug, alcohol and smoking are worses acutally in fatality senses. I've known many a people who smoke weed on a daily doses, some are complete idiots and some are more intelligent then you and I. Through my experiences, pot does hardly anything to the mind, other then short term effects.

Cannabis is practically non-toxic, it can cause cancer, but that's only if you smoke it, like anything else though.

Yes it's a drug, but so is caffine, alcohol and nicotine, yet I don't see you having a go at smokers. I'm not promoting drug use, heck I'm not even promoting weed, I just want the facts straight on it. Cannabis shouldn't be an illegal drug, it's barely dangerous and mushrooms, steroids and the like are alot more fatal.

There's only been one recorded cases of an overdose, and hemp has been smoked for over 5000 years. Do you know how much THC a person would have to have in their body to kill them? Over 3 ounces. 3 ounces of weed could get 200 odd joints, and that still wouldn't kill you.

Smoking with tobacco makes it more toxic, but what do you expect?
Psh leave weed alone.

#12 amyjia

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Posted 27 February 2006 - 11:46 PM

I COMPLETELY and utterly agree with you. What you just sais is exactly whayt I've been trying to tell my stupid friends.
I have a 12 year old friend whos goal is to get laid by the end of SEVENTH grade. He says, "You're just afraid". I say, no, I'm just not stupid. k? Thanks.

Drugs are stupid no matter how you try to spin them. My dad had cancer and was asked if he wanted medicinal marijuana. Take note, he was in extreme pain and still didnt take the pot. Alcohol in moderation is ok. Though, I don't plan on drinking because of experiences in my life which has completely driven me away from the stuff.

I hate it how a seven year old will come up to me wanting to fight. And I'm serious. A freakin SEVEN year old comes up to me saying that he is going to "Beat the s*** out of me." I pushed the little bugger out of the way. Later I heard the same little kid talking about "f***ing some girls p***y up". Needless to say I wanted to kill him

Anyways, I agree =)

oh my goodness a 7 year old?? that is just.... not right :blink:

#13 Ives

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Posted 28 February 2006 - 08:31 AM

Agreed there. But religion is mainly about community more in a sense than a god. its people gathering together in what they believe, so generally, most morals are commonly broken.

:blink: I used to swear all i wanted when i was 6. But when i asked a friend of mine if he saw the movie "The opposite sex", my teachers freaked out. =X

#14 travis

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Posted 28 February 2006 - 09:21 AM

Now, this may sound totally hypocritical - but I totally agree that morality is in danger.

I see on the news, about these people that beat their kids, beat their spouses, and that shit...its rediculous. The last 2 weeks, the top news story has been about a little girl that was found in a dumpster here...national news.

Now, I said I may sound hypocritical - because I drink, and I have sex...but in moderation.

I don't drink and drive, I'm not an alchoholic, and I don't drink just to get drunk...

I don't f*ck everyone I meet...I think sex is something special that two people can, should, share...
Today sex is just viewed as "okay I'm horny lets go f*ck"
At least by most people....just use protection.

Drugs are stupid. Smoking is stupid. That shit is addicting, and will permanantly f*ck you up.

Hypocracy - I tried smoking, just the other day. I took one hit off of a cigarette, and I almost puked. Its such a disgusting habit.

#15 Frizzle

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Posted 28 February 2006 - 09:35 AM

Drugs are stupid. Smoking is stupid. That shit is addicting, and will permanantly f*ck you up.

Please don't talk about something you know nothing about.

#16 travis

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Posted 28 February 2006 - 09:41 AM

-Friz, when I speak of smoking I mean cigarettes..not marijuana, or anything of that sort.

#17 Frizzle

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Posted 28 February 2006 - 09:48 AM

I will hush then. I totally agree being the big damn hypocrite I am. Smoking sucks.

#18 travis

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Posted 28 February 2006 - 09:50 AM

So, uh, was that sarcastic? :blink:

#19 Frizzle

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Posted 28 February 2006 - 09:54 AM

I'm insulted you would think I would be sarcastic to you.

#20 travis

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Posted 02 March 2006 - 09:43 AM


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