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Some cool OS stasticical figures

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#26 Atonomous

  • 28 posts

Posted 27 June 2010 - 07:38 AM

And... XP isnt forced by the government. Do you read the onion as you're primary news source?

Windows in general is forced by monopoly. Microsoft goes against convention time and time again and it forced people to use their products because they have a stronghold on what people do with their computers.

XP has physical memory limitations when it comes to 32 bit, because -every- operating system has those limitations. In windows xp 64bit mode, its limit is 128 gigabytes, because this is a home user operating system. To add in even more support then that much (even that much) is a complete waste of coding. And only through exploits can you install anything as a Standard User account. Windows XP is a cooperate operating system, they differentiated between standard and admins hundreds of years ago. Do not come in here spewing bs without proving that you can do it without an exploit or an hack. It also is a purely 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. There are no 16bit calls, and the ideal that you would know what bit the kernal runs in is a joke. Its closed source, so unless you did the coding, I will not trust a word you say on that.

Windows XP source codes have been leeked for some time now, because some kit in a some college that had access to it was bored. Also, have you ever heard of reverse engineering? You can easily figure out how the world of windows words when you start reading some assm form of it. Windows 7 was a great leap forward because they fixed the fact that when you run 32 and 64-bit, you're actually running full 32 or 64-bit. (Also their source code has comments about "moron" and "hack" a lot)

More bs. In windows vista/7. You have to be an Admin period to do anything other then run programs. All windows functions are locked out as well. In Windows xp, you could do more, but you still had to be an admin period to install a program. So unless you had an exploit to run on the system, you couldn't do anything.

Windows security model is a joke... You click a button and BAM instant virus, no admin approval required. It is not hard to make viri for windows, especially for websites because of VBscript.

Um. Did you know that with the Windows Operating System. 90% of all hardware you purchase will work with Windows? Did you know that with Mac based computers, you have to purchase Apple branded products, and cannot create your own drivers? Apple is a thousand times works. DRM is a legal, and cannot ever be a crime. Windows included DRM because Movie/Music/Gaming industries told them they would no longer release content for Windows if they didnt have DRM. So windows added it... Then they remove it. Guess what. Apple has DRM to. Apple forces DRM on people through Itune. You have a one sided hate for microsoft, without anything to really hate them for.

Oh trust me, I hate apple, but you can convert an apple machine to some extent, just can't get past the hardware forced limits of having Mac on your computer. You do no have to use iTunes, but with Microsoft's model, DRM is shoved down your throat. Screw you, the user, Microsoft has rights to control you and what you do whether you like it or not. As for hardware issues, I guarantee you that 100% of all hardware I purchase will work with my linux based operating system, because I can make it. I have an iPod touch that I sync music with regularly because I downloaded and compiled a kernel module for it.

And. Everything that the OS reports to Windows is known. For a programmer who made a microkernal.... You need to learn what packetsniffing is....

Have fun with that, many have tried but can not decrypt much of the crap that is sent.

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