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The ABrosia FAQ

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#226 Narna

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Posted 17 March 2011 - 04:15 AM

So here's a basic question I've been curious about, but have been getting conflicted answers asking around and browsing through threads. Given that, it might not be a bad idea to have the correct info in this thread:

What exactly are the MS Prehaggle and OCR settings doing? I gathered that the OCR was the amount of time spent on the haggle page before the pet image is "clicked" to buy the item, and hence MS Prehaggle would be the amount of time spent between the last refresh on the main screen of the shop and clicking on the item to buy to go to the haggle page. Is this assumption correct, or was I looking at even more incorrect info?

It's more of a minor detail, but most guides I see just say "don't worry about them", but I'd rather be clear on how the program is operating rather than just plopping in random numbers and seeing how they work or just relying on the defaults. When I legit restock, I'm quick on selecting the item, but really clumsy on the haggle. Instead of having a huge jump improvement on my haggle time, I'd rather start off around where I am now, and slowly decrease it towards the default (maybe more when I get to advanced or VIP). That way it should look like natural improvement and raise less red flags.

Either way, with either vague or conflicting info from guides and users on those two options, hopefully having something that concisely answers my question here should help other people figure things out on their own rather than constantly ask questions about it (and not end up with different answers).

I thought Prehaggle was the time spent haggling before the pet image was clicked...

#227 iomega

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Posted 17 March 2011 - 04:42 AM

IIRC Prehaggle is the time between the page loading and clicking on the item. OCR is the time taken to offer and to click on the neopet in the image.

#228 Mills

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 12:54 PM

what's the use of export list in abrosia program? how do you use it?

#229 1337hunt3r

  • 191 posts

Posted 18 March 2011 - 07:09 PM

I have a question about Abrosia:
Why don't my items go directly to my store?
I ticked the check mark under Pricer settings that says "Automatically Price Bought Items Sent to Shop" but whenever I stop Abrosia to go check on the progress all my items are always in my inventory.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Never mind, I found the problem. If anybody is interested, it's because my "Perform Item Management" time was too long.

Edited by 1337hunt3r, 18 March 2011 - 07:54 PM.

#230 khan

  • 54 posts

Posted 25 March 2011 - 06:57 AM

I'm not sure where to post this "bug" so I'll post it in this FAQ.
Sorry if it's not supposed to go here.

The bug is simple (I think?).. When I turn on browser synchronization, I can't turn it off. I tried to turn it off about 6 times, making sure I unchecked the "enable browser synchronization" button and press the OK button, but when I opened Settings>Browser Synchronization to check if it worked, it's still enabled/checked..

That's all, thanks. ^____^

EDIT: I think I found out this is supposed to go in the tracker section.. Please don't hurt me. ^____~
If it helps you hatemeless, I tried to do an "Abrosia Bug" search.. But of course, it didn't because it was searching in the forums. D;< I
did my best ;___;

Edited by khan, 25 March 2011 - 07:07 AM.

#231 Wesley

  • 62 posts

Posted 08 April 2011 - 05:44 AM

Q: Will my Neopets themes interfere with my ability to use this program?

A: Yes. For now, Abrosia can only handle the basic themes. Please change your theme to basic before running the program.

Is that still so?
Because i had another theme and it works ;p

#232 jonahfinn

  • 1006 posts

Posted 08 April 2011 - 05:56 AM

Is that still so?
Because i had another theme and it works ;p

lol mikey, you need to look at the details.

JCR said for now, which was back in 2009.
The program's obviously been improved since then

#233 Wesley

  • 62 posts

Posted 08 April 2011 - 06:17 AM

lol mikey, you need to look at the details.

JCR said for now, which was back in 2009.
The program's obviously been improved since then

Oh I didn't saw that.
I need to think more before posting a post. That is a action point to work on Posted Image

#234 Neoquest

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Posted 09 April 2011 - 09:15 PM

I was wondering how safe it is to AB on two different accounts, (not at the same time) so that you could get RS banned on one account and switch to another shell while it was being un-banned, how much does it higher your freeze rate? I am not using a proxy and am unable to get one.

#235 esilim

  • 508 posts

Posted 09 April 2011 - 09:21 PM

just use a proxy
and you can do both at the same time np...

#236 Neoquest

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Posted 09 April 2011 - 09:25 PM

I am not using a proxy and am unable to get one.

I really can't get one, what are my chances without one?

#237 Guest_Flapjack_*


Posted 10 April 2011 - 10:16 AM

I wouldn't suggest ABing on two accounts on the same IP, Dower. Especially ABing on one after the other is RS banned...

#238 Neoquest

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Posted 10 April 2011 - 10:55 AM

Aww, dang. I guess need to find my way around the proxy thing :/ thanks for helping anyway guys.

#239 danielfromburn

  • 492 posts

Posted 17 April 2011 - 06:10 AM

Can any kind soul explain to me what the wild card feature does? I tried searching around but to no avail.<br>And also i just put the * as indicated and... abrosia just kinda hangs.<br>

Edited by danielfromburn, 17 April 2011 - 06:20 AM.

#240 Neoquest

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Posted 17 April 2011 - 09:49 AM

You can't use normal code on here dude. And the wildcard feature is what it sounds like, a wildcard. Lets say I just said Negg in lists, I would only buy one kind of Negg, but if I put Negg * I would buy all kinds of neggs. (not sure if it's Negg* or Negg *)

#241 danielfromburn

  • 492 posts

Posted 17 April 2011 - 03:58 PM

You can't use normal code on here dude. And the wildcard feature is what it sounds like, a wildcard. Lets say I just said Negg in lists, I would only buy one kind of Negg, but if I put Negg * I would buy all kinds of neggs. (not sure if it's Negg* or Negg *)

Ohhhhhh. ah i see, okay thanks ill try that out!

#242 project420

  • 3 posts

Posted 25 April 2011 - 08:45 AM

Very helpful, I was wondering why I couldnt adjust the times. thanks!

#243 petergava

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 11:00 PM

Yes the guide is helpful for me,thanks :)

#244 annddd

  • 417 posts

Posted 13 June 2011 - 07:37 PM

i have a serious problem
since i have been using the ABer, and i wondered why i didn't restock anything on my lists
the first time i thought that i may miss the restock, but.....in fact, my ABer is little funny.....
i just made a experiment: i opened my ABer, and loaded the list on shop 30(spooky food) and added only two items(i would gain no profit, but i wanted to know whether my Aber is broken)
and before i added them on my list, i have checked on neo that these two things were in the shop at the time(there were more than 20 in the stock, so it,s impossible for others to buy them in the short time)
then, i started running my ABer. if it's normal, it will buy them automatically, but it didn't pick them up, and it just ran and ran......
i thought may be that's why i have Never bought anything
i don't know the problem,and my list is like that:
Blumaroo Steak
Mashed Eye Potato

just these, so,,,,,,,could you help me, i am really frustrated, hoping someone would help me......

#245 Kido

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Posted 13 June 2011 - 08:03 PM

What's your profit margin? It's not going to buy the items if it generates a loss of np

#246 annddd

  • 417 posts

Posted 13 June 2011 - 08:08 PM

to Kuro,
i just redownloaed the programm and it works...YA~~~thank you

#247 Bips712

  • 35 posts

Posted 22 June 2011 - 04:38 PM

Hi I have a question. I couldn't find it in the OP and I don't really have the time to read through all 9 pages. Basically, I am on a new account so I am restricted to ABing pretty much only at Pharm. That's all well and good but the problem is that after Abrosia buys an item it pauses for the 5 seconds AND treats it as a new refresh (therefore there is the refresh delay PLUS the 5 second pause). It makes ABing in Pharm a lot less efficient. Is there any way to get around this? If there isn't, is it possible to AB on an old shell and transfer items over, completely neglecting to RS/AB on my younger account? I heard you are allowed to do that with the attic but I'm not sure if you're allowed to do it with the main shops. It seems like the delay isn't really a problem if you're switching shops constantly like Abrosia is programmed to do.

I'm having this same issue, Im only able to get 3 herbal scrambled eggs in a restock, while I can get upwards of 5+ if I do it by myself. Is there any way to fix this? I want it to buy again after the 5 sec wait, instead of waiting ~9 secs to refresh again.

#248 Tomo

  • 83 posts

Posted 23 June 2011 - 05:25 PM

Very nice, I kept wondering why my items wouldn't stock. Thanks!

#249 annddd

  • 417 posts

Posted 23 June 2011 - 06:10 PM

Very nice, I kept wondering why my items wouldn't stock. Thanks!

me too ......I cannor restock if i use list

but use only overall shops : (

#250 j0nath0n3

  • 93 posts

Posted 23 June 2011 - 06:51 PM

will abrosia know when ur restock banned so it wont keep refreshing to make it obvious to TNT that you are auto buying???

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