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Getting started with programming.

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#26 artificial

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Posted 15 May 2010 - 09:15 PM

I am sure the dynamic gameplay you claim to be accomplishing due to OOP I could accomplish without.

I'm a fan of OOP in PHP, only if used sparingly.

#27 JesterC

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Posted 16 May 2010 - 11:41 AM

I am sure the dynamic gameplay you claim to be accomplishing due to OOP I could accomplish without.

I'm a fan of OOP in PHP, only if used sparingly.

Well every module for ezRPG is Object-Oriented. Every module extends the core "class extends base".

This makes installation and inclusion of modules automatic, which is good for beginning admins.

#28 Dan

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Posted 16 May 2010 - 01:27 PM

After many years of being a programmer, I have gained quite a bit of knowledge. As of now, I can emerge myself in any new programming language and become proficient in it within 3 days of using it. I just learned java recently and I find it to be a great higher level language to use for botting and such. If you're interested in learning to program at all, you must understand a bit of why you would want to pick what programming language for what situation.

Sorry - what? How long have you been a 'programmer' and becoming proficient in a language within 3 days of using it? I assume you mean "Hello World" and a calculator - that doesn't quite mean 'proficient'.

The only reason you would ever use the PHP programming language is for web development. I most situations involving the internet, you'll have no choice... this is also not an easy to master programming language. You can't even be proficient in it without learning MySQL and HTML. There are even more things to know, like javascript, if you want to make a really fancy website. I highly recommend this as a starting language to learn, but there are a lot of web developers that just can't grasp the concepts behind C and C++ after learning such a simple way of programming.

PHP is for web development - yes - and it's derived from Perl.
No choice? So... Perl/Python/ASP.NET/Classic ASP/Ruby aren't options?
You keep using this word 'proficient'. Do you know what it means?
You can be proficient in PHP without knowing (My)SQL.
You say it's not easy to master, but you recommend it as a starter language... ? C and C++ are both used for completely different purposes than PHP, why are you comparing them?

Not to be confused with C++, C does not have object orientation. Open source applications made in C are much easier to understand and it's choice for open source developers. It is just as powerful as C++. Secretly you do not really need the wrappers for object orientation. C is commonly faster than C++ and also it is normally used only when you have large numbers to crunch. Mathematical computations that really need the resources would be the only thing you would need to go to C for, such as an MMORPG with high end 3D graphics. Downsides include having to compile on every OS you want your program to run on.

I think you mean C doesn't support object oriented programming out-of-the-box. Wording is extremely important.
Er what? C++ is based on C - they are both as powerful as each other, actually. More games and MMORPGs with high-end 3D graphics are using C++ due to the necessity of object orientation. Having to compile on every OS to support said OS is not a downside, it's a feature. If you're testing, you're going to want to test on multiple OSs.

Same comments as C, but I don't like the object orientation personally. You will run across a lot of APIs that do not have good documentation and are not open source. It has irked me so much when I came across undocumented APIs.

You don't like object-orientation? Are you mad?

This is a great programming language on the same level of java, but if you really look into it and understand how it works, you will realize java is what C# wants to be. The standards and syntax are easy to follow, but if you ever plan to do anything cross platform compatible, be weary. C# currently has mono which allows Linux and Mac OS X users to use C# applications written with GTK, but never trust Microsoft, they really want to ruin anything that allows other operating systems to function in synchronous.

Java is not what C# wants to be. C# runs on the .NET CLR which is wildly different to the Java environment. C# does have the Mono project, along with MonoTouch, etc etc. The open source projects for .NET and C# are absolutely endless. I suggest you read up on them.
And never trust Microsoft? Are you mad? That doesn't even deserve a response.

Anything .NET
.NET framework was great to the extent that it allowed developers to make, but it is only a microsoft friendly idea. Microsoft does not support open source development, they only support Microsoft development so they can say "Hey! We have everything!"

What? MS doesn't actively support open source development but that doesn't mean they're not willing to help out. For example, open source projects have been shown at MS Conferences as well as officially recognised by MS themselves - OpenRasta for example.

Visual Basic (Previous to v6/v6/.NET)
Visual Basic was great. The syntax is quite familiar to basic users. The downside to visual basic is the fact is is "visual" and proprietary to windows. Sure, you can WINE most of the stuff preceding .NET, but it doesn't change the fact that it is not cross platform compatible by default.

You've nearly hit this one on the head. No, it's not cross platform compatible.
However: It's not very powerful (apart from COM interop in which it's actually still used, hah)

This is the closest you can get to making logic gates on a circuit board as possible. There are various reasons you're probably not going to use assembly. The key one being the deep understanding that it requires just to make a conditional statement. The second reason is that it takes a lot of code to do the little work you need it to do. That being said, it's a great language, but I wont even go there.

I can't believe you even 'reviewed' ASM. It's not an option. Ever.

Developed by Sun Microsystems, java has fully open source interpreters and APIs. You can make anything in java, just don't dream of using it for mathematical operations that require heavy processor usage, like a 3D API. You would want to make an API binding for it in C. With the netbeans IDE, you get just as much functionality as Visual Basic or any Microsoft Visual Programming tool. I have had some of the greatest experiences ever with java, personally. You get full cross-platform compatibility with java, because there will always be a version of the java interpreter compiled for every operating system you would need. It is extremely powerful, I have seen x86 emulators made in java.

This entire paragraph could be condensed into "I'm a java fanboy". Java is cool, yes, but it's no better, no worse than C# or .NET for example.

It's free, open source, and such. I don't know much about it, but I have used it. I wouldn't rely on it for GUI applications, but I have seen wonderful stuff programmed in it. I wouldn't rely on it for anything more than I would rely on java for. If you want to learn it, get a copy of the interpreter from http://www.python.org/download/. It is cross-platform compatible and easy to learn as well. The downside is that you can compile your source to a byte code, but you might as well license anything you create as "open source".

You don't know much about it but you're comfortable advising people regarding it? Hah.
Anything more than you'd rely on java for? This sentence is redundant, what do you even mean? Incomprehensible at best, completely ignorable at worst.
What? License everything as "open-source"?! You do realise that's not even a license and 'licensing everything as open-source' is possibly the worst advice you could give? Python can compile into binaries. Why would you even say this?!

All in all, the bullshit-to-value ratio for this post is 90:10.

Please please please please never misguide or make any idiotic posts like this to my members again.


Oh, and I tweeted about your general stupidity. Hi other professional devs.

#29 Kway

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Posted 16 May 2010 - 01:51 PM

Please please please please never misguide or make any idiotic posts like this to my members again.

My favorite line in the post.

#30 StefanKai

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 12:28 AM

Decent summary, but there are definitely some flaws in your review. Dan pointed them out pretty quickly.

Edited by Intrusion, 18 May 2010 - 12:30 AM.

#31 AliceFi

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 02:28 AM

Python seems pretty cool indeed, it's just in some 3D programs as the programming language as well, no?
might pick it up if i ever feel like it ^^

#32 Dan

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 04:52 AM

Decent summary, but there are definitely some flaws in your review. Dan pointed them out pretty quickly.

It's relatively easy to point out when you've been at it as long as I have :-P

Oh, and why you should listen to me:
I'm a full-time professional developer working in Silverlight and C# (.NET).
Currently working for http://www.sharpcloud.com/
7 years of dev experience.
Experience with all above languages except D.
Speaking at professional developer conferences - DDDSW, UGs around the UK.

etc etc

#33 artificial

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 05:21 AM

As soon as you get a degree my ears are all yours.

#34 StefanKai

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 12:35 PM

As soon as you get a degree my ears are all yours.

/s ?

#35 Dan

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 02:16 PM

As soon as you get a degree my ears are all yours.

Ignorance really is bliss for you, eh?

#36 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 02:18 PM

I gots me a degree, do I win?

#37 jcrdude

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 02:30 PM

As soon as you get a degree my ears are all yours.

I don't know about you, but if I were an employer, I'd take 4 years of experience over 4 years of college any time.

#38 artificial

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 04:41 PM

I don't know about you, but if I were an employer, I'd take 4 years of experience over 4 years of college any time.

I'd rather the college graduate.

Unfortunately Dan, Waser Lave wins!

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