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Dog and Cat abusers

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#1 Warriors

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 01:40 PM

Okay....I know I am going to get flamed for this by PETA and everyone else..

In the last couple of weeks, a lotta crap has been on the internet...It all started out with this lady


ABUSE! Right? Okay I can see the uproar over this, its pretty disturbing. But on the other side, I have neighbors with dogs and they crap on my lawn all the freaking time. And they don't clean after them at all..This has been happening for years! I love animals, but sometimes we as a society take it too far. I give em a taste of their own medicine by sometimes flinging the crap onto their roof...These hot days must be hard on them.

This video sparked such a backlash that police had to be stationed outside her house cuz of death threats and other things.

Now...There is a new video of a women throwing multiple puppies into a river...I watched it, way more disturbing then the last video. I won't post it here to follow forum rules, but I will post the link for those who want to watch it.


Now it seems that PETA offered a reward for this person, numerous other people at 4chan are trying to figure out who did it...Hundreds of people are complaining and crying and giving out death threats..

Granted, this is bad...But really? Where is the outrage when a 10 year old kid gets shot in the head while playing a piano in Oakland,Ca

Where is the outrage when a child is missing, dead...Have we got our priorities messed up? I rarely hear outrage at this stuff...Granted those puppy abusers should go to jail..I am just pissed at the coverage and overblown propensity of this crap.

Edited by Warriors, 01 September 2010 - 01:47 PM.

#2 Hydrogen

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 01:44 PM

Granted, this is bad...But really? Where is the outrage when a 10 year old kid gets shot in the head while playing a piano in Oakland,Ca

Where is the outrage when a child is missing, dead...Have we got our priorities messed up? I rarely hear outrage at this stuff...Granted those puppy abusers should go to jail..I am just pissed at the coverage and overblown propensity of this crap.


#3 luvsmyncis

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 01:52 PM

Somehow, punching your dog is more taboo in our society than someone punching their child.  It seems we mostly only value human life when it suits our political leanings. 
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and throw a pie on another human being because I dislike their coat.

#4 fr333k

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:06 PM

As Cody said. I remember watching 'The invisible man' as a child, I was outraged when the invisible man gets up in some dogs grill, moreso than I have ever been disturbed through violence towards a human. We all know that statistically, bad people & risk takers will end up in sticky ends, when someone gets murdered, nine times out of 10 its gonna be drug related or whatever; so why should I care? Kill an animal and it discusts me.

On the other hand, killing small children is pretty sucky.. Seeing that shit on 4chan made me cry once; with people its always about the situation - Why are they there? Are they innocent? etc... Animals and children? There always innocent.

#5 Invisuality

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:08 PM

i so agree.
i was heartbroken to watch that lady toss away the cat... im such a huge animal lover
that being said, i dont think i have the heart to watch the other video

but i will agree also, that i think its being blown out of the water way more than it should be. animal abuse does happen all the time, but i guess when its on video thats when they dwell on it.
but i think the reason the media doesnt focus so much on human murders, abuse, violence, etc, is because we see so damn much of it these days. ill be honest, ill turn the news on and may see "ohh so and so was hit by a drive by in pittsburgh, or shot" or "oh this teen was hazed at this school"..etc. and honestly what goes through my head is "whats new", just because its so common. i think weve pretty much adapted to the idea thats theres some really F'ed up people in this world and that we're surrounded by it that noone really cares as much or puts their hearts to it. and in a lot of cases, the violence was delivered based on the victims dumbass mistakes.. not always but in some cases. but as for animals, they dont really deserve any of it. most of them are innocent of any bad behaviors. so i think thats where the whole animal abuse outrage comes in

#6 Code

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:21 PM

I saw that video on the news a few days ago. And I'm too scared to cilck the site D:

Personally, I take that dumping cat into garbage bin as a joke, because it doesn't really 'hurt' the cat, in this case the cat was perfectly fine while the lady is having death threats.
For serious ones, like beating them up, putting this ring though a dog's nose, chopping them, etc, those are living things. Is like beating a child up and cutting their legs off. I don't get it, why would you do that? Is disturbing, and very cold-blooded.

#7 Warriors

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:26 PM

True it might not have physically hurt the cat..But I think it was stuck in there for more than 11 hours...So it must have been psychologically damaged...But yea, I guess as a society we have been desensitized as our own species is getting killed...

#8 Invisuality

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:27 PM

I saw that video on the news a few days ago. And I'm too scared to cilck the site D:

Personally, I take that dumping cat into garbage bin as a joke, because it doesn't really 'hurt' the cat, in this case the cat was perfectly fine while the lady is having death threats.
For serious ones, like beating them up, putting this ring though a dog's nose, chopping them, etc, those are living things. Is like beating a child up and cutting their legs off. I don't get it, why would you do that? Is disturbing, and very cold-blooded.

it technically can hurt the cat a whole lot actually. one, what if the owner didnt hear the cat or have video camers? she could have been stuck in there for days. if that happened, depending on how hot it was outside, the temperature in there would be rediculous, and the cat would have no water, and could die from heat or dehydration. very dangerous, def dont see how that can be taken as a joke =/
its disgusting =[

#9 Code

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:33 PM

it technically can hurt the cat a whole lot actually. one, what if the owner didnt hear the cat or have video camers? she could have been stuck in there for days. if that happened, depending on how hot it was outside, the temperature in there would be rediculous, and the cat would have no water, and could die from heat or dehydration. very dangerous, def dont see how that can be taken as a joke =/
its disgusting =[

Won't the cat be climbing out or atleast meow a bit and maybe people would notice? However in today's society most people probably won't help a cat out in the trash.
I suppose you're right. I just thought it won't be harmful because I've seen lots of abandoned cats going into the trash bin to find food in China.

#10 Invisuality

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:35 PM

Won't the cat be climbing out or atleast meow a bit and maybe people would notice? However in today's society most people probably won't help a cat out in the trash.
I suppose you're right. I just thought it won't be harmful because I've seen lots of abandoned cats going into the trash bin to find food in China.

yeah but theres a difference.. in cats are going into the bin, then clearly the lid is open. in this case, the lady closed the bin. and from looking at it, it was pretty empty.. so a far climb from the top, near impossible, and it looks like it would be hard for a cat to pry open, also given the 180degree angle it would have to climb. and not everyone would hear a cat. but the poor thing was in there 19 hours =[
im just glad the cat is ok :)

#11 Code

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:39 PM

yeah but theres a difference.. in cats are going into the bin, then clearly the lid is open. in this case, the lady closed the bin. and from looking at it, it was pretty empty.. so a far climb from the top, near impossible, and it looks like it would be hard for a cat to pry open, also given the 180degree angle it would have to climb. and not everyone would hear a cat. but the poor thing was in there 19 hours =[
im just glad the cat is ok :)

Ah, I didn't notice that Dx It would be pretty cruel if the cat died in there.
Did the owner lost the cat or something, or was the cat living on the streets?

#12 Invisuality

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:42 PM

umm if i remember correctly the cat is an indoor/outdoor cat, and usually comes in at night. the garbage can it was in was the cat owners. so it was at its property

#13 Code

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:43 PM

umm if i remember correctly the cat is an indoor/outdoor cat, and usually comes in at night. the garbage can it was in was the cat owners. so it was at its property

Ohh okay. Didn't the owner think it was suspicious that their cat was missing for 19 hours?!O_o

Edit: so does the cat goes out on day and comes back at night? If so one night the cat didn't come home, would that be suspicious?
Or does the cat only comes home once every few days? I'm not quite sure how indoor/outdoor cat works.. xD

Edited by Code, 01 September 2010 - 02:45 PM.

#14 Invisuality

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:45 PM

they werent susupicious until night when the cat didnt normally come inside, but they thought she was just staying out for the night or something, i forget what exactly they said. then they heard her meowing the next morning. kinda hard to tell when your animal is missing if you let it roam outside. i could never let my cat be an outdoor cat =/

#15 Danielle88

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:47 PM

I /should not/ have watched that puppy video. I feel sick to my stomach....

But you are completely right. The outrage over this crap is a little much. Seemingly it's worse to drown some puppies than to abort a human life according to our society (which opens up a whole new can of worms, so I'll just leave it at that)

I really hope they find that twisted bitch though!

#16 Code

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 02:54 PM

our family actually thought of adopting a cat, since my mom and me love Garfield-like cats xD However, too busy/lazy to take care of one. Would be awesome if the cat goes out in day and comes back at nigh o-o.

I /should not/ have watched that puppy video. I feel sick to my stomach....

But you are completely right. The outrage over this crap is a little much. Seemingly it's worse to drown some puppies than to abort a human life according to our society (which opens up a whole new can of worms, so I'll just leave it at that)

I really hope they find that twisted bitch though!

good thing I didn't cilck it..

#17 Lallard

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 03:14 PM

The puppy video was sickening.

Makes me so angry I wanna go punt a baby.

#18 xToxic

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 03:23 PM

That puppy throwing girl should be fucking shot.
Id gladly shoot the bitch, No actually, Id totaly fuck with her head and make her suffer.
Full on 1800's torture chamber.

Im one of those people that throw this kinda thing out of proportion, But i throw everything out of proportion.
As you all should know :D

Back to that girl, Honestly, I hope she dies a long nasty painfull death.
And then continues to rot in hell.

#19 Noitidart

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 03:28 PM

Granted, this is bad...But really? Where is the outrage when a 10 year old kid gets shot in the head while playing a piano in Oakland,Ca

Where is the outrage when a child is missing, dead...Have we got our priorities messed up? I rarely hear outrage at this stuff...Granted those puppy abusers should go to jail..I am just pissed at the coverage and overblown propensity of this crap.

This this this this this. So unfair. People in Africa are suffering like crazy and we're worried about these animals. To some extent its ok but to worry more about them then human beings is just weird.

#20 wtfints

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 03:29 PM

wtf. throwing puppies into the river. what are their chance of survival? they're probably newborn and unable to swim.

#21 Noitidart

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 03:30 PM

I also agree with your conclusions. This is awful, truly awful. But I feel we've become so desensitized to the murders of our own race (the human race) that we aren't outraged anymore.

It's all so sickening, really... and tbh, I almost feel some depression coming on in my life currently. I'm just so over the world right now... over mankind. I sometimes feel like we're close to losing hope... when will we learn that murder is never right?

I don't know man. We can see in this topic itself, it's all posts about the animals and not about the humans. Makes me sad too man.

#22 vin

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 03:44 PM

The puppy throwing one was just completely sick. I saw a similar video like that about a year ago of a US Soldier throwing a puppy while on duty overseas. It made me so sick & angry. I had to write an essay about it for a college scholarship / school. I mean granted there are lots of animal abuse, but its still very sick and they shouldn't be treated this way.

However, I also feel the same way about people who abuse their children or just other humans in general. Most people don't react as strongly to human deaths/injurys like you said... but I sure do. I believe those sick bastards who rape/murder people and other children deserve to die because its just an outrage to me. I don't understand why some people don't act out more on these people too, like i do. I hate watching the news for this reason because it makes me sick.

I dont even like when people put their kids on leashes. Yesterday at the mall a man and his wife had their kid on a leash. I screamed "take your kid off the leash douche" . He in turn yelled something and walked off.

#23 Noitidart

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 03:47 PM

However, I also feel the same way about people who abuse their children or just other humans in general. Most people don't react as strongly to human deaths/injurys like you said... but I sure do. I believe those sick bastards who rape/murder people and other children deserve to die because its just an outrage to me. I don't understand why some people don't act out more on these people too, like i do. I hate watching the news for this reason because it makes me sick.

I dont even like when people put their kids on leashes. Yesterday at the mall a man and his wife had their kid on a leash. I screamed "take your kid off the leash douche" . He in turn yelled something and walked off.

You and your pecs are sooo sexy.

I think we need to award you the sexiest of codex. I don't know why we didn't before.

#24 vin

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 03:53 PM

You and your pecs are sooo sexy.

I think we need to award you the sexiest of codex. I don't know why we didn't before.


such a random thing to say in the middle of talking about animal/human abuse.

but thaaaaanks.. i guess. hahah

#25 Noitidart

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Posted 01 September 2010 - 03:54 PM

lol you gotta show me how you got there. ive been trying so hard for years. got results but not like yours!

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