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Member Since 08 Jul 2007
Offline Apr 26 2021 12:52 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I can go a day without eating anything

07 September 2010 - 03:07 PM

You're probably fine, it's very common to lose appetite in the summertime (though I guess if it's been going on for 6 months that would have extended back into winter...). Actually people around the world find value in the occasional day-long fast to reset the body and give your insides a break. It's likely only a problem if you start feeling tired/sick/headache.

Break free of our western concept of 3 full meals a day! What's normal for you is normal for you (as long as you feel normal!)

In Topic: Mr Bean

07 September 2010 - 03:00 PM

It's taken me a long time to really "get" British comedy and get over the acting styles. I watched Mr. Bean a long time ago just for something to do, but didn't find it too funny. After immersing myself in Black Adder, Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, Fry & Laurie, etc, I really enjoy it now.

In Topic: Why do some people wash their bath towels?

23 August 2010 - 11:30 AM

Humidity and moisture is a breeding ground for bacteria. Heck, most people have a shitty fan and close their door when they take a shower. Just that humidity repeatedly will make your towels smell like shit.

If you don't change your towel at least once a month or so you're a dirty pig.

Yes, it can get really bad if you live in a hot, humid place. We wash our towels (and clothes) by smell--if they don't smell bad, then they're clean. Cuts way down on laundry you're washing for no reason, and extends the life of your fabrics.

In Topic: Seriously?!

12 August 2010 - 11:04 AM

Multiple sticks is pretty normal for me, even when I have someone experienced. I have really tiny veins that don't show well. They always tourniquet my arm really tightly, which in and of itself makes me feel really faint (maybe something to do with my low blood pressure...)

When I was having surgery last month, it took about 10 minutes for the guy to get my IV in, jabbing in and out and moving the needle around in my arm. Then he had to redo it when he realized it wasn't in my vein after all :/

In Topic: How's Life

12 August 2010 - 10:49 AM

Welcome! I've been dancing around and singing to this song all day:

Life is pretty good right now :nana: