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Member Since 26 Aug 2007
Offline Dec 23 2010 04:55 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Post your results from Speedtest.net

16 September 2007 - 06:03 PM

To be honest, I know nothing about computer hardware so I have no idea what most of my results mean. I feel so clueless and stupid now; woe is me.

In Topic: Tips to cutting back on food

30 August 2007 - 12:37 PM

* Eat normally and monitor what you eat for a few days.
Keep a food log or something with Calorie or carb counts or whatever. Keep track of percentages and try not to go over 100% in things like Sodium. A normal Calorie level is 2,000/day I believe.

* Cut out fast food
The easiest way to go. Really. Replace fast food with easy to fix, healthier things. Try to find healthy Microwave Dinners, canned goods, etc.

* Vegan, vegetarians
If you're willing to give up animal-related products, give it a try. This will include things like eggs, too.

* Eat frequently
If you are, by chance, trying to lose weight, eat small meals every 2-3 hours. It will boost your metabolism. Eating only at some combination of breakfast, lunch, and dinner will slow your metabolism down.

* Get some money, and then...
Go to the medical aisle of your store to all of those dieting products. They have those delicious looking snack bars that you can use for everday consumption.

* Don't Diet!
Just don't. Never go for things that make you cut out healthy things. All parts of the Food Pyramid are valuable to your body except for the very top. Don't give up your grains for those low carb diets. Don't forget about your fruits and vegetables. Meat and dairy are good (unless you're lactose intolerant). Just try to cut back a bit on desserts.

In Topic: Name me an anime

30 August 2007 - 12:22 PM

Unplug your computer; go outside; do anything to escape it. It. Will. Draw. You. In!

Now, to my suggestions:

Excel Saga
It gets my vote for funniest anime.
(Coughcough-- I can't find the point of this anime yet...)

Yu Yu Hakusho
112 episodes. Funny; full of action; most of the arcs can actually make you think (especially Sensui).
(Coughcough-- listen to the drama CD's...)
(Coughcough-- my favorite anime at the moment)

It has a magical girl that isn't like any magical girl I've ever seen before. Very funny; nice action.
(Coughcough-- I love the Slayers theme songs...)
(Coughcough-- I haven't finished NEXT and I haven't started on TRY yet)

Very popular so it's easy to find. I was able to watch seasons 1-3 through the local library. Mm...romance...
(Coughcough-- I love the InuYasha ending themes)
(Coughcough-- I haven't finished InuYasha yet)

Dragon Ball Z
If you have time on your hands you might as well. They've rerealesed the series so its incredibly cheap (not too much more than a domestic TV series box set)
(Coughcough-- there's something in my throat...)

In Topic: Official Harry Potter 7 (Book) Spoiler Thread

30 August 2007 - 12:05 PM

My take is lovely and interesting (read: lengthy).

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

OK, Rowling says she's going to publish some kind of encyclopedia follow up so I'm waiting on that. And she hasn't sworn on any of her children that she won't publish some back stories (If she makes a book about the Marauders I swear I'll pre order instead of being lazy and going to WalMart day after) so...let's hope for the best!

Uh...my spoiler cut is very long...sorry.

In Topic: Heh! I Have Arrived.

26 August 2007 - 06:46 AM


(Sorry, of all the things I posted, that seriously should have been one of them!)