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Member Since 02 Dec 2007
Offline May 17 2008 03:37 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: ESPN8theochos Neopoint Manager

06 December 2007 - 09:48 AM

hi. i tried using the np manager.. sometimes, it reports the correct Np in my acct.. but more often than not, it says i have zero NP when it shd not be. what seems to be the problem?

In Topic: 67K Grabber, -Updated Again-

06 December 2007 - 09:45 AM

  • Advanced Member:
    Once you have reached 500 posts and have stayed here for at least one month, your status automatically changes to advanced member.

    * Storable PM messages from 300 to 500.
    * Minimum time to use search function from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.
    * Able to change display name a total of three times per month (any other special status will earn you three times per month as well such as GFX Team, Programming Team, etc).
    * Future activites exclusive to Advanced Members and higher will be planned in the near future.
    * Access to more of the Maplestory section.
    * Access to Advanced Member Programs (Neopets)
    * Access to Lenny Conundrum and Mystery Picture answers (posted weekly).
<--- if i may ask, what's the maple story section?

btw i tried the npgrabba program but i only get approx 3K... what seems to b the problem? thanks.

In Topic: Make Me Rich

04 December 2007 - 09:01 AM

i really like this program. i hope n the next update it can run multiple acounts so i don't have to log in for each account everytime. thanks! thumbsup.gif