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Member Since 10 Feb 2008
Offline Nov 02 2008 04:15 PM

Topics I've Started

Should I...?

16 October 2008 - 03:30 PM

Should I just train my main neopet with lab ray and also see it change species, etc.

OR should I continue to blast my second pet (it does nothing except is lab pet), and pay to train my main pet?

New Here

14 October 2008 - 06:30 PM

Hi, I joined a long time ago (I guess). But at that time I was off and on on neopets and now I'm bored so I play more often.

So I Just wanted to formally introduce myself.

Hi I'm [insert name here]

08 April 2008 - 02:24 PM

ya, I've joined the site a while ago, but I decided that being anti-social is dumb. So yeah, thumbsup.gif