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Member Since 22 Jul 2004
Offline Nov 12 2004 02:09 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Who Are You Voting For?

14 October 2004 - 11:56 AM

How the hell cna u say Micheal moore is a genious????  the dude is a complete idiot.  He doesnt know wut the hell he's talkin about, and if u do a little research u';ll see that Fareinheit 9/11 was MOSTLY BS.  And aobut the thing with attacking iraq for no reason.  How cna u say NO reason? the man was killing his own people . last ti'me that happened we entered WWII.  But I dont see anyone raggin on FDR or Truman.  Eveyone hates Bush bebecause he doesnt care wut u think about hi'm.  He does wut he thinks is right.  Kerry just tries to please everyone.  He would pull out troops out of Iraq if given half the chance.

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If the sole reason for going to Iraq was that Saddam was a tiran, then Bush should see to the other countries that have such a leader too. And he isn't doing that.

I can't vote because I don't live in the US, but if I did, I'd vote for Kerry. Because he is not Bush. I don't like Kerry, but Bush cannot stay on the throne for 4 more years. and if that makes me an idiot. So be it. (:

In Topic: What Pets Do U Own?

09 October 2004 - 02:11 AM

Everyone knows Guinea pigs were orignally bred for food right?


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Yes, the guinnea pig was brought to Europe as food. But the people from Europe didn't understand and domesticated them. Thankfully. =P

In Topic: What Pets Do U Own?

08 October 2004 - 08:42 AM

Arrent guienna pigs and hamsters the same thing?  :blink:

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Nuh uh.

This is a guinnea pig:

and this is a hamster:

Haha. Well these are other hamsters.

In Topic: What Pets Do U Own?

08 October 2004 - 12:38 AM

Neopets (on my main account):
Desert poogle, blue eyrie, plushie kougra and fire blumaroo.

Real life:
2 cats: Thomas and Mouse
2 guinnea pigs: Q and Trash
2 rats: Horatio and Eros
a mouse named God

and maybe soon a hampster. Which I'll probably call Jonesy.

In Topic: 10 reasons u know ur addicted to neopets

02 October 2004 - 11:13 AM

11. When you're outside with your friends in winter and one of you friends says she is frozen, you look at her in horror and tell her how sorry you are and if she mailed the neopets team yet.

Not by me. I read it somewhere and thought it was funny.