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Member Since 02 Nov 2008
Offline Nov 08 2009 09:31 PM

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In Topic: Neopets Reselling Guide

19 October 2009 - 10:24 PM

I'd say post on the boards to see if there's any interest? I think a lot of stuff go ignored because there isn't.

I understand your pain though. AB snagged an UB and I had no interest from the TP. I stuck it in the shop for 99k and no one's bought it yet. It doesn't bother me that much since it was only going on the TP for 105k anyway and a 5k loss isn't significant in the face of the almighty Abrosia.

Haha yeah. I actually do that a lot with UBs. Especially pinatas and lab map pieces.

In Topic: Neopets Reselling Guide

19 October 2009 - 04:57 PM

Edit: Aww dude double posted on accident again. Does this ever happen to anyone else? I try to post and it gives me an error so I click the back button and send it again. Sorry!

In Topic: Neopets Reselling Guide

19 October 2009 - 04:57 PM

Not the OP, but I'd suggest auctioning them? if they're worth millions, you can stick them up for slightly less and people will have a bidding war over it. It'll get you at least half of what you deserve.

Well I tried doing that actually. And no one ever bids. I leave it up for at least 48 hours and not a single bid. I can't even get 200k off of them. I don't know why plushies don't sell since so many people have plushie galleries.

I've even gotten one of those brand spankin new Lutari dolls from that new plot before it was even out. I think I was like the only one who had it. No one wanted it. Sold it for 99999. I guess I just suck at UB restocking. I imagine some people make a pretty nice profit off of me.

But thanks for the advise!

In Topic: Neopets Reselling Guide

19 October 2009 - 04:38 PM

I get shit tons of r99 plushies that are worth millions but I'm too damned impatient to try and sell them for that much so I just put them in my shop for 99999. Any tips on how to make more than that from those stupid things?

In Topic: maraquan pteri

16 October 2009 - 09:54 PM

So 1337 names count as being decently named?

Like if the pet name robotics were taken, I used the name r0b0t1cs

Unfortunately anything with numbers or underscores are not considered well named. In fact, even having a lowercased first letter isn't considered well named. People in the PC are really picky.

But some people don't care about names. But those people are very few in number.

I'm making a guide on it though so people will understand trading pets better.