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Member Since 22 Nov 2008
Offline Nov 30 2008 01:21 PM

Topics I've Started

Posts needed to pirvate.

26 November 2008 - 06:41 PM

Okay I know you are all going to think this is stupid becasue I'm new but I'm hoping some of you will see the irony in it. Now I'm not the kinda person that stays in all day and plays on the computer, in fact if any of you met me you wouldent think i knew how to turn a computer on. I play neopets on and off, and if I remember right I think there was a time when these forums were not open to the public and you had to get an invite to get on them. (dont quote me on that but I think it was this site). To become a private member you need at least 500 posts and to be here for a month. Lets do some math. Say its a month with 31 days in it. 500 divided by 31 is about 16. So you would need a minium of 16 posts a day. Lets break that down even further. I leave for school at 6:30 in the morning and go strait from school to work and dont get home until around 5:00. If nothing is going on I have about 5 hours to make 16 posts. Now anyone who makes 16 posts in 5 hours is going to seem like a spammer, and I dont want to seem like a spammer but I would like to earn access the private. I was thinking that maybe the god's of the forum could lower the number of posts from 500 down to 250 posts. I know you senior members are going to say "Well I had to earn my keep." and I acknowladge that, but I try to have a life too, and I'm not saying you all dont have life's (well some of you might not but thats beside the point). I put a poll up and I hope you will all read this before making your final decision. Thanks

Crazy Day At Work

26 November 2008 - 05:31 PM

So I work at a welding and trailor hitch shop. There is me, my boss, the owner, and my boss's wife. Well today I get there and my boss's wife was using the owners car which is pretty common and my boss gets a call. Apparently she was rear ended on the freeway and it totaled the car. So my boss leaves and tells the owner what happens. Now the owner has quite a temper and today i seriously was fearing for my life but he walks in the shop and was totally chill about it. He was like "Well looks like im getting a new car" and actually helped me work which never happens. Today was a good day at work suprisingly.

Most Neopoints

24 November 2008 - 09:33 PM

This is just a question. How much np do all you have total? I have 3million and am wondering if that is alot. Prolly not but i would be interested in the figures that other people have.

Aged accounts

24 November 2008 - 05:27 PM

Whats the benifit of having accounts that are older. I have 8 accounts that are 29months old. I found a text document recently on my computer with abunch of account info so i started to play a little again.

Need a little help

23 November 2008 - 06:49 PM

Okay so I got a account that I know is old as dirt. Im wondering if there is a way I can figure out the birthday for it. I know there used to be those birthday bots but its been a while since ive been on these forums and I cant remember my old forum account info.