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Member Since 22 Jan 2009
Offline Feb 23 2009 06:44 PM

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In Topic: Dice-A-Roo Auto Player v1.0.1 By exifyde

24 January 2009 - 08:10 AM

Hey, I gotta quick question.

How do you "log in to click the button yourself" when the program gets to the silver die? (if you have set to stop on silver die.)
When I do it, it just starts a new game...

I had the program checked for "stop when on silver die", and it did. I logged into neopets and when I go to dice-a-roo it just starts a new game! I know I'm probably not doing something right. Any help?

I even clicked start on the program and it rolled once on silver and it said something about the mystic wind and then it stopped. I clicked start again and it won't do anything.

So can someone clear this up. Sorry this post is so long.

In Topic: Dice-A-Roo Auto Player v1.0.1 By exifyde

23 January 2009 - 10:30 PM

Ah, gotcha. Alright great! Thanks for clearing that up!

Excellent program!

In Topic: Dice-A-Roo Auto Player v1.0.1 By exifyde

23 January 2009 - 07:06 AM

Awesome program; props to you!

I just started using it about 15 min ago. It works really well!

But I did find a problem:

I got to the yellow die and won a lottery ticket. It shows up in the log BUT it does not send it to the SDB. It is also NOT in my inventory. I think I know why too. I happened to see it when I won the lottery ticket and where is has the description of the die, it said something along the lines of congrat's you won a lottery ticket...anyway, just below the description there was an image tag of html code. I believe it was a picture of the lottery ticket and it was linked for me to click on to accept the prize.
Does that make sense?

It's happened twice now that I get to yellow win lottery ticket and don't actually obtain it. :-(

Maybe a pause when get lottery ticket button or something? lol. really though; lottery tickets are important! :-)
