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Member Since 23 Aug 2004
Offline Jun 05 2006 05:36 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The New Star Wars Movie

17 May 2005 - 06:35 PM

I'm catching a midnight showing on wensday/thursday.

School should be interesting the next day.

In Topic: Praise the lord!

06 May 2005 - 04:04 AM

My dad is really into free2air stuff. We have a receiver that pulls dish network channels. If you are thinking about getting free satelite it is definately a better investment that a reprogrammed direct tv as you have to reprogram them pretty often especially during the superbowl, world series, and olympics.

As far as cable being better.Advantages of Cable? It is procressed through an insulated cord, less packets dropped over distance probably more reliable. Satelite? I have over 1000 channels. Sure some are just audio but over 1000 is over 1000. it runs from 2-999 skipping a couple sections then it runs up to 6000 ranges skipping alot.

In Topic: Work this out!

06 May 2005 - 03:55 AM

The problem here is boomer doesn't follow a linear model.  At certain wind + angle levels it will divert backwards and at other it will skim low to the ground.

The angle + power correlation isn't like other mobiles as you have probably noticed. Probably when graphed it looks something like an absolute value function. With a set variable distance from the mobile.

Lets make an assumption that it is a linear model and all mobiles shoot the same**

D = vt
Velocity x is constant as air resistance is negligable.
Velocity y0 = v0sintheta
Velocity x0 = v0costheta

t = vy0/g
y = vy0t - 1/2gt^2

F = ma (so I would assume 26.31% instead of half)

**At this point you release you are missing the angle. Maybe I will look into it later but that is the first equation that pops into my head. G is some predeterimened number.

Also note as I am a gunbound geek from back in the day there is a chart that tells you the effective number of wind at a certain angle. I just remember the values range from 1-6 and I think northwest against wind was something like 4.

With other mobiles there is a simple calculator program that could estimate with 25% accuracy how much power you needed to get a certain amount of distance at a certain angle and certain wind. I'd give it to you but I don't have it on my calculator anymore.

Don't mind me I am currently studying for the AP Physics Exam.

In Topic: Netbususer's girlfriend

19 April 2005 - 02:53 AM

She doesn't seem like a cyclist =p. Pretty good looking.

But damn she's gotta be fit to cycle competively. All I know is my uncle use to cycle and even though I just recently taught him how to swim he can go 2.5 laps at sprint without taking a breath.

In Topic: Does anyone play any warcraft games?

10 April 2005 - 05:24 PM

I play on West.  As far was WoW goes the graphics are some of the best for mmorpgs. And its gonna be pretty balanced in the next patch when the shamans get a nerf.