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Member Since 25 May 2009
Offline Nov 16 2024 02:51 PM

Awards I've Earned

Gaming Competitions
Neocodex Gaming Month Champion Show the Reason for the Award Winner of a tournament during Neocodex Gaming Month! (Credit to Liesa)
General Contests
About a Boy/Girl Champion! Show the Reason for the Award Winner of the About a Boy or About a Girl Contest! (Credit to Liesa)
Biggest Loser Winners! Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to the winners of the Biggest Loser Competition! (Credit to Shannon)
Spring Codies 2015 Winner Show the Reason for the Award Long may your reign! (Credit to Liesa)
Spring Codies 2015 Nominee Show the Reason for the Award For being nominated during the Spring 2015 Codies Awards! (Credit to Liesa)
Winter Codies 2015 Nominee Show the Reason for the Award Please Select Your Character. Be nominated during Winter 2015 Codies! (Credit to fikri)
Spring Codies 2016 Nominee Show the Reason for the Award You can make it big! (credit to Rauul)
Spring Codies 2016 Winner Show the Reason for the Award You did it! You're a star! (credit to Rauul)
Kate's Medal of Honour Show the Reason for the Award I spy with my little eye, someone being kind (Credit to Liesa)
Scavenger Hunt Participant - Spring 2018 Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to participants of the Spring 2018 Scavenger Hunt (credit to Coops)
Scavenger Hunt Winner - Spring 2018 Show the Reason for the Award Awarded to winner of the Spring 2018 Scavenger Hunt (credit to Coops)
Codies Nomination 2018 Show the Reason for the Award Nominated for a category during the Spring 2018 Codies! (Credit to Coops)
Codies Winner 2018 Show the Reason for the Award Seems like you were heart to beat! (Credit to Coops!)
Seasonal Awards
♥ Love Sick ♥ Show the Reason for the Award Seasonal award for those who participate in the Valentine's Day contest (Credit to Kate!)
Love Potion ♥ Show the Reason for the Award Seasonal award for those who win the Valentine's Day contest
Eggcellent! Show the Reason for the Award Seasonal award for participating in the spring festivities! (Credit to Emily)