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Member Since 16 Jul 2009
Offline Oct 24 2010 04:54 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Neopet Program Suggestions

23 October 2009 - 05:42 AM

Why I never heard someone willing to make and daily doer? Because it's easy xD?

I think I'm going to do it, seriously.

I was thinking of an neoquest II trainer too, but I don't even finished it on the easy mode... oh.. great, I can restart while I'm programming... but I will do it on vacation...

I started learning the Python book and it's so amazingly cool \o/! Python is different. I just don't like the indentation thing... I prefer braces, because some times the IDE identate on a wrong way (I don't know if it happens with Python. I don't even know where to program on it .___., and I don't find the junior programmer topic).

In Topic: Want to program with us?

16 October 2009 - 09:11 AM

Wow, fast reply.

I would love to program with neocodex, but I just don't have much time, I'm not a really good programmer (I don't even know what is and http wrapper .__., and I don't know python... yet :D) and I don't want to waste a junior position (out of the 2) if I pass the test and don't feel encouraged to make a program.

Oh, and thanks for the tip abot the http wrapper.

Sorry for the poor english, again. I think I will put it as my signature.

In Topic: Want to program with us?

16 October 2009 - 07:57 AM

Can I make a program, and then send it to one of the programmers so they can use the neocodex libraries for putting that neocodex thing and cookie grabber (so the user don't need to put the login and pass @_@) e etc, without being a junior programmer? So they can release it here (saying I made almost all of it, lol).

Or you people can release the libraries you use, closed source, if possible, and then I send here.

Obs: Probably I will not make anything. But if I make, I don't want it to be wasted with only me using it. I want to make a daily doer.

And I have no idea how you can access the internet with a programming languagem .___.! I hope there is something like that on the tutorials xD! And thanks for the tutorials.

And sorry for the poor english.

Obs2: WTF? I don't remeber using an avatar... but hey, this my default avatar everywhere... scary...