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Member Since 20 Aug 2009
Offline Mar 12 2013 12:48 PM

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In Topic: If you could have any one neopets item, what would it be?

02 July 2011 - 06:29 AM

Posted Image

Jewelled Scarab

In Topic: Gay Marriage Bill Passes for New York

30 June 2011 - 02:26 PM

You're right, a political system that evolved over thousands of years, the envy of many other countries, India, Canada and Australia are just few examples of countries that ha e copied. A system that allows quick passages of laws unlike America in which it takes years, a political system that influenced the magna carta and a system that still uses 200 year old law due to the fact we got it right the first time.

Is much worse than a 200 year old country in which they believe it's legal to keep a gun but not for two queers to get hitched.

Your point makes total sense.

You'll please note that I never claimed that the American system of government is superior to the British system. They're different. They do different things and they work in different ways. They're both pretty cool. Pitting them against each other to try and determine which is "better" is an exercise in playground dick-waving that has no place in a discussion between well-adjusted people.

In Topic: Gay Marriage Bill Passes for New York

29 June 2011 - 06:20 PM

1. The ability to deny a group its liberty faces the burden of proof in American jurisprudence. I think that's the case in most sane countries. The majority cannot simply decide that, say, gingers cannot drink alcohol just because we all got together and outvoted the gingers. There has to be a reason; they face a burden of proof. The minority is protected from the tyranny of the majority.

2. Marriage is a fundamental right possessed by Americans as lined out many times by the Supreme Court of the United States. Civil Unions in the U.S. do not grant the same rights as marriage.

3. Your entire point is moot because Americans nationally favor marriage for gay couples. And these state-by-state votes are exactly the displays of majority rule that you're claiming don't want gay marriage.

4. Frizzle, the United Kingdom is a perfectly wonderful place without you claiming that the Bill of Rights is a pile of shit or that the unitary system of government is the best form of government EVAR. So feel free to drop the bravado. Your demonstrated understanding of the Bill of Rights is either misguided or purposely distorted for effect.

5. The terms "yank" or "yankee" have been around for centuries. I don't find them insulting even if they are intended as such. Wikipedia suggests "In English-speaking countries outside the United States, Yankee, almost universally shortened to Yank, is used as a derogatory, playful or colloquial term for Americans." Don't let it bother you. Hell, we even refer to our soccer team as "the Yanks."

6. Narcissa, your enthusiasm on this issue is much appreciated - and I agree with you - but I think it's important that we all keep level heads when discussing hot-button issues. Let's try to keep it civil. Also, the "Pursuit of Happiness" is not in the Bill of Rights - it's in the Declaration of Independence.

edit: Holy cow, this thing was one huge block of text. Definitely not meant that way. Hopefully *fixed*

In Topic: Gay Marriage Bill Passes for New York

28 June 2011 - 04:12 PM

Frizzle, I would love for you to explain the irony to me.

In Topic: What turns you on?

27 June 2011 - 03:41 PM

Guys: a v-shaped back (ie, well-developed lats). Or just muscles in general. I also like a short, conservative cut.