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Member Since 05 Sep 2009
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In Topic: Neopet Program Suggestions

09 September 2009 - 09:43 AM

Wicked, what a nice first post xD *Sarcasm*

Let me Expand on what you said though.

"auto score sender"

By that I am assuming you mean, a score sender with a built in list, or that calculates it's own list for games as it goes, as to fly under the radar constantly getting between 800 - 1000 np in varying times xD

This is why I suggest the features such as a spider-refresher and perhaps in the future making Abrosia so it can post succesful buys on the RS & chat boards.

To make so you can rs in magic or anywhere else, with lower buy times and not have to worry about being frozen.

Yeah sounds about right but here is the thing I want to use the score sender for the key quest token games to get the tokens from battle challenges flash game & it gos by score I dont really care about tryin to make top scores & high scores on the top's list thats how you get frozen

& as there are no auto player for the mini games I'm surprised that no one is going after these tokens for the game because you have to buy neostuff to get some of them

& suggestion if someone makes a new score sender put a time limiter that cant be changed so that you cant run the program to rack up high score but be able to use it to get the 1000NP a send or what ever it works out to a game so that way you dont get frozen

its about cheating not beating the system

In Topic: Neopet Program Suggestions

09 September 2009 - 07:19 AM

Listen I havent read all the replys here yet but I've been seeing alot of auto score sender I'd like to see one of those up here