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Member Since 11 Sep 2004
Offline Feb 26 2007 12:31 PM

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In Topic: Linux?

15 April 2005 - 02:07 PM

Ok I don't want to go into detail here there's a lot of bs STM wrote there...
I mean I could find counterarguments for everything he said and he even said some stuff that was totally off the orginal topic but what hit me the most was this one...

[code]if you're wanting to run a web-server then linux is the way to go
No, Unix is better.

... care to explain? For startes linux was actually created by linus torvalds to get a free unix running on i386 systems (yes the first linux versions were not portable) so linux *is* a unix derivate o.o"
Then *why* should a unix system (a comemrcial one or freebsd or whatever) be better for a webserver?
Let's see there are lots of *fast* webserver for linux (I don't mean apache I mean the really fast one... I forgot the name :| the one that superseeded khttpd :|) so speed can't be the option (those webservers also scale unproblemtically over lots of cpus :) )
Then security... linux got a very good right management it happens very rarely that anything goes wrong here... good file system rights, good process rights, again nothing wrong here

so what exactly is wrong with linux as a webserver? O.O!

In Topic: nodeadkeys under Windows

28 March 2005 - 06:01 PM

Na it's like this (I don't know if you americans also got this)
european keyboards have something that are called deadkeys by the linux community on my keyboard I got 3 of them: ^, ´ and `
When I type one of these chars nothing happens. Then you need to add a second char to make the char appear for example hit space to get the original char.
When I want an á for example I hit ´ then a :)
the thing is I'm never ever going to need these things and it would be more convenient to use these keys as normal keys (that's a nodeadkeys keymap)
like I want to press ^ to actually get ^ :)
(it's better under windows then in lin by the way. pressing ^ twice gives me ^^ since the second press cancels out the dead key and adds the char twice since it was typed twice. under lin the second hit to the key cancels out the dead key but only adds the first press to the current buffer so you only get a single ^)

and redilion I know what linux is and I know what windows is and this can be openly changed since you have a lot of access to the keymap and keyboard drivers in windows

In Topic: Linux?

27 March 2005 - 05:23 PM

Running windows programs in linux is evil and it gives application makers no reason to port their stuff to linux so it should not be used if not absolutely nescessarry :|
why winamp or quickti'me? there are alternatives to that :|

In Topic: Linux?

27 March 2005 - 04:07 PM

Sure it runs everything you need ;) well for most people it does...
some special progs only run on windows or mac os :|
but there are also some pretty cool linux only programs

(kcachegrind is a really cool profile analyzer... ;) )

In Topic: Which Distro?

26 March 2005 - 08:47 AM

Kubuntu has KDE as the main WM it can't be that good ;)

no seriously GNOME has a better user interface design and is more intuitive to use... ah well pferences of course

but I'd rather take the Gnoppix way then Ubuntu :) live linux is cool it works just like that and you also get all the cool debian tools ;)