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Member Since 10 Sep 2009
Offline Feb 19 2014 03:18 PM

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beerandgaming's Guide to Semi-Legit RS'ing

03 August 2010 - 05:34 AM

First off you want to be using Mozilla Firefox, which can be found here:


Once you have downloaded and installed Firefox, you will next want to download the add-on Greasemonkey, which can be found here:


Once you have installed this, you will need to restart your browser.

Proceed to install the following Autohaggle script, simply click this link in Firefox
and you will be prompted to install the script:


After you have completed installing this, you will need to install the add-on named AdBlock, which can be found here:


Next is a fancy new script, which works in conjunction with AdBlock, and what it does is when you visit a shop, it will allow you to input an item list, and it will block all images other than the images specified in your item list! This is a much easier and time efficient method than the previously suggested methods on this forum, all of which require you to manually block each item you do not wish to see, basically it reverses the process for neopets item images :)

So anyway, go ahead and install that script, found here:



All you need to do now is simply go to your desired shop, Input your AB List into Smart Block window, tick the "Use the Smart Block Feature" box, Save Settings, and start refreshing! When you find an item on your list, it will show on its own in the shop, with no clutter, and you simply need to proceed to the haggle page, then click the pet image (as the haggle will be filled in already for you!)