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Member Since 24 Sep 2009
Offline Jan 30 2012 03:55 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Shameless BC Plug

30 January 2012 - 12:01 AM

If you still want a vote pm me :) I tried BC before but was also ignored...I feel your pain -.-

In Topic: is it possible to sustain my habitarium

24 January 2012 - 05:01 PM

Being able to "get enough workers" to build that many nests requires an already well developed habitarium with quite a few nesters to begin with. This method is only viable if the user is a frequent habi player as the eggs will be laid and incubated until they are ready to hatch. However, if the user is inactive, the P3s can (and do) die, the nests will decay and if the eggs are damaged enough, they can only be discarded.

That's true, but then you could always go on the boards to ask for gifts, plenty of level 50 players are willing to gift.

In Topic: is it possible to sustain my habitarium

24 January 2012 - 07:22 AM

Or you could just get enough workers to buy 40-something nests and then convert into having all nesters and discard eggs to gain exp/level up. It won't be as fast has having your habi open daily but it could work. The downside is that you would have to manually discard the eggs.

In Topic: A Cheater's "Oh Shit" Moments

26 December 2011 - 06:09 AM

Oh shit. And I was thinking before: pftt, I don't have anything to post here.
Apparently right now games aren't working for most people. Thinking it was just my computer being a retard, I went ahead and used a script to send scores, which went through. I sent over 100ks worth of game scores T_T
Thankfully the account is practically a shell, and I was using a proxy. But I'm still a little worried about my main even though the two accs aren't connected x_x

In Topic: Fastest way to start from nothing?

18 December 2011 - 01:01 AM

SS with safe times, or play games legitly? Or if you're good at it and can stand the quitters, do KQ.