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Member Since 01 Oct 2009
Offline Jul 12 2014 02:48 AM

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[Fix Abrosia] ERROR: Login failed.

05 October 2009 - 11:15 PM

Hello! I know it's not common, but just to tell other people how to fix it, I thought I'd post it here. n.n''
I used Abrosia for less than a week and I've already had this error 2 times.
The first time, it was fixed when I updated Abrosia, the second time, I used a different method.
(I was given a solution, but I decided to try reinstalling a few things first).

So if you're getting the following error:

Posted Image

Basically, all you have to do is:

1) Go to: C:\Program Files\Neocodex\PythonApp\unins000.exe (Or where you saved it)
2) Basically, you just uninstalled Python. Now, all you have to do is install Python again.

It works for me, hopefully if you get that error, this'll help. xP

(I'm pretty sure this also works for any other errors that you're recieving for other programs.
If you have an error, and you can't fix it, try this method, and if it works, please post so I can update. xD