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Member Since 02 Oct 2009
Offline Jan 06 2010 07:09 PM

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In Topic: Legalizing Marijuana

23 November 2009 - 11:35 PM

i'm agreeing with you guys!

i don't even drink! and i've been through the army!

so screw marijuana AND alcohol. donate that cash if need be, put it in a fund where it's used to benefit society.

don't waste that cash buying drugs.

In Topic: Best security software??

23 November 2009 - 07:43 AM


the registration is precisely why i went with avast


i was lazy that very day i decided to swap... and ta-da

i feel kind of ashamed, but well.. :whistling:

In Topic: Why is it okay for girls to do this, but not guys?

23 November 2009 - 07:33 AM

lol holy fuck why is this forum so sexist. it's weird, i think even /b/ is better at this gender equality thing than you guys.

anyway, it's not a girl thing, it's a personality thing.


u just want especially good treatment WITHOUT treating us any better

u want sexual equality? courts will always treat females better. u want sexual equality? why do women get a free pass at earning cash just by offering sex? u want sexual equality? guys talk the same offensive way towards individuals from both genders, with the danger of having a bruised ego if he doesn't talk such to his male targets, while is considered offensive when he DOES talk such to female targets. u want sexual equality? or do you just want improvements to yourself without consideration to what you already have and what others are going through? what is sexual equality? does it ensure I will have an equal chance of getting my kids if i go through a divorce? will i be able to show my hairy body one day and ask for money for sex?

you girls already have enough freedom going around calling us so many names without us saying a thing in return. get over it. if we really had sexual equality we'd be complaining as much about u as u were us. would you want that?

sexual segregation exists because of biological and physical differences in the physical bodies of the two sexes, due to a chemical difference in development which also causes a mentality separation of both sides.

throw a male and a female baby on an island without any sort of external influence, and they'll still grow up that way. it's PHYSICAL. doesn't excuse EVERYTHING that guys do, but it will be around like the sun will shine. so stop whining. u can't stamp it out. not without pulling off the gonads of every single guy in the world.

so stop being so bloody sensitive. sexism exists because it has to. one day when we merge into big pink unisex slugs, sexism will go away by itself.

go burn ur bra if u have to, stop pointing out this and trying to be different just because u're trying to show it's wrong. we all know it's there, and not everyone on the other side likes being there either. so shhhhhhhhhhh. enough posts about this.

i'm treating u equal, which is why i'm expecting better intellectual posts from you instead of just reruns of the same shit over and over. let's have a good old discussion of established topics instead of having detours.

In Topic: We found water on the moon.

23 November 2009 - 07:17 AM

gravity is the cross attraction between two bodies of mass towards each other.

increase in mass increases attraction force and thus acceleration, and increased acceleration increases downward velocity. learn about velocity please. you may NOT witness a single moon collision from maybe 20 solar systems in ur lifetime, but who are you compared to the life of the universe :rolleyes:

stars keep themselves apart with constant nuclear reactions from hydrogen to helium from within, and approaching the end of their life, with a sudden reduction in the fusion rate to sustain its own gravitational attraction, it collapses upon itself. the resultant crash manifests as a supernova, a sudden huge mix of whatever reacting hydrogen mass is left, until the heat concentration is high enough to initiate helium fusion into carbon and eventually blah blah blah into iron.

anyway aside from this side note, the collapse of the sun is when reaction energy becomes < than gravitational force between itself, when it starts collapsing upon itself. having planets gain mass is no mysterious thing, it happens all the time in collisions, even if you don't see it. moost meteors that hit earth vapourise and combust from the heat of atmosphere entry before you even see it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. it adds solid mass in the form of dust, sox or nox, and other forms of liquid/solid capable gas mass like water vapour. it adds on mass, but does not add on velocity in the same amount as originally possessed in the existant path of orbit, depending on which direction it hit and how the forces got redirected. F=MA, Foriginal is then added to Fmeteorite (no matter how seemingly insignificant every bit counts), and if, in all possibilities of that word, the F may be changed big enough to disrupt orbit of the resultant Moriginal + Mmeteorite (total mass), your centripetal : centrifugal balance might be disrupted, causing a collapse. This is a scenario that would eventually happen, and in such a case, planets (and direct entry meteorites) would serve to increase the mass of the sun, disrupting the original reaction-explosion : gravitational pull ratio the sun is sustaining, triggering the collapse that ends up supernova

it's not the only way a star dies, but it's one of the ways. F=MA -> centrifugal:centripetal balance -> planet gets closer with every orbit and eventually collides -> increasing mass, disrupting explosion-outward:gravity-inward balance causing an internal collapse. so yea that's how supernova gets worked into the whole thing

back to the topic, i maintain my stand. the technical possibility of such an influence/trigger is still present, and no one actually cares if u ever see one in ur 90 years of life. the universe is billions of years old. no one cares about iargue who couldn't see past himself

In Topic: We found water on the moon.

23 November 2009 - 06:20 AM

you guys are retarded. your points are good, and that's why i'm not talking about manual mass adding, i'm talking about stuff like meteor collisions

it would be nothing new, planets get hit by and accumulate space debris all the time, and given enough time eventually everything would collapse into one. moons into planets, planets into their suns, suns into each other. that's how supernovas and black holes come about. the mass would increase not by us, through an act of god if you will

no matter how insignificant, every bit of mass added to the moon would increase its downward velocity towards the earth due to increased cross attraction between earth and it.