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Member Since 25 Dec 2004
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In Topic: [Guide] How to be irresistable

10 October 2009 - 05:39 PM

wtf dck. you dissapear forever only to post this

I like helping people.

In Topic: [Guide] How to be irresistable

10 October 2009 - 04:46 PM

Most deodorant for guys smells anyways. I love those chewing gum sticks tho, my brother always buys them. :lookaround:

Hey guys!

Just posting to say that this stuff really works! I've noticed that girls really like it when you stare at them. They keep looking away like they, but you can tell they love it by the way the way their eyes widen and they keep glancing back. I do my best to smile REALLY wide whenever I notice a pretty girl, and then I lock eyes with her. Try not to blink very much, since in the animal world this is a sign of backing down and her unconscious female instincts will tell her that you are a weak mate. Some blinking is ok though since you don't want to look like a creeper!

Something important to remember though is that when when going for The Exam, make sure to open your eyes as wide as they can go so that she can see even more of them. I usually have girls tell me that my eyes are amazing after doing this, and they never did that before I started opening them as wide as possible.

Definitely agreeing with Metigue about the diet. I stopped drinking milk and eating anything with white sugar, white flour, and red meat in it a while ago and it definitely works. I push it a step further though by following a raw diet though, in which I do not cook my vegetables. By cooking your vegetables you lose out on a lot of nutrients, and because you're not drinking any milk or eating white sugar/flour/red meat you need all the vitamins and minerals you can get.

As for the deodorant/sweat/smell issue....my sweat stopped smelling after around a month on the diet but I've heard it can take two. My skin cleared up after around two weeks but I think it was that fast because I was eating everything raw (I think it's around twice as long without eating raw). It's important to stop using deodorant/anti-perspirant when you start the diet so that your body has time to adjust and start creating more of your own unique pheromones. You might start smelling a lot at the beginning when you start but if you push through it to that one (or possibly two according to what I've heard) month mark, you probably won't have to buy any deodorant again and you'll save a ton of money over the course of your life. I also started something that a friend (also a codex member) told me about and that's been working wonders as well. I'm trying to get him to post a guide to it, so we'll see how that goes.

Good luck everyone! It's a lot of work but once you get used to it, it makes getting women easy as cake in college! =)