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Member Since 08 Dec 2009
Offline Dec 24 2009 08:30 AM

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In Topic: Top 10 Most Evil Disney Villains

23 December 2009 - 11:49 AM

The guy who killed Bambi's mom made me cry for years >.< every time I saw that movie or thought about it for too long. No one else stacks up to that!

Although I still cry every time Simba headbutts his Dad after the stampede, so maybe Scar too.

In Topic: How can people still think evolution is a myth?

23 December 2009 - 10:19 AM

If you're interested in the debate on evolution (lulz, why is there a debate? sigh) you should look up AronRa on YouTube. He's a man that's studying paleontology and is very well educated. He can most certainly say everything in this thread far more succinctly and probably from an extremely better educated perspective than the average person. He also directly answers creationists in many videos. Evolution is taught very poorly by teachers that don't even understand the subject matter. If you don't believe teachers are terrible in the U.S. compare test scores on a global level (I'm referring to elementary and secondary schools when I say this, not higher education).

On a side note - the Catholic Church believes in evolution. Whether it is globally taught that way is another question. For those of you that are not Catholic, never have been and have never been exposed to it beyond conspiracy theory movies I'll explain the hierarchy a little bit. A good Catholic should believe whatever the Vatican/Pope says to be true. As they study various topics, and in light of new information (like science can provide), they often change how Catholics worldwide should look at things. They have various "learned" people studying biblical passages, science and a million other topics all the time. The official stance of the Catholic Church is that if science can prove something to be true, then it must be true, and that God made it that way. This is NOT how Catholics are taught worldwide. All it takes is a conservative (or liberal I suppose, but for this example it would be conservative peoples that still believe in ID) congregation or priest and things can be skewed wildly. Like any massive organization there are discrepancies because humans are fallible. Therefore, while the official line of the church may be one thing, the people you meet on a daily basis may firmly believe in something else that they've been taught by official representatives of that church. =/ Fun stuff, right?

In Topic: Pregnant U.S. soldiers could soon be court-martialed

23 December 2009 - 09:40 AM

I agree, once you've become a soldier you're the property of the U.S. government basically. In a combat zone they should be able to tell you whether or not you can become pregnant.

But if she gets raped and becomes pregnant should she still be court-martialed? I mean, there's grey area here. If she was on the pill and it was defective is that her fault? It said that if she's married and her husband is there she's not banned from engaging in intercourse ("And, they cannot spend the night with a member of the opposite sex, unless married or expressly permitted to do so."). I'm sure that they provide medication like birth control to soldiers. I don't buy that there aren't condoms or some other contraceptive for miles, past experience must've taught the government that soldiers have sex... Lots and lots of sex.

In Topic: Interesting Events - the good, the bad and the ugly

21 December 2009 - 11:09 AM

Posted ImagePosted ImageYou have awoken the great Turmaculus...
and he has given you a Sausages!!!

Posted Image


In Topic: Does anyone scam accounts?

18 December 2009 - 04:34 PM

Having played MMO's for years on end where I would have died if my account was hacked I've never been tempted to try to scam anyone. I can't stop my brain from thinking "how would you feel?"