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Member Since 31 Dec 2009
Offline Apr 03 2010 04:01 PM

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In Topic: will drinking soy milk

23 January 2010 - 02:16 PM

"Hillary Swank, get your milk from her!"

prolonged drinking of breast milk leads to higher IQ

Statistics fail
There has never been, and likely will never be, a well designed experiment on the subject. You can stage an observational study, and that can lead to the conclusion that drinking breast milk and high IQ's are correlated. However, correlation does not imply causation, causation can only be determined by a well designed controlled experiment.

Saying that drinking breast milk leads to higher IQ is completely ignoring the very real possibility of confounding factors.

In Topic: New

23 January 2010 - 02:13 PM


In Topic: How can people still think evolution is a myth?

23 January 2010 - 02:07 PM

Chobitz arguments for evolution, and against organized religion are kinda very very far off from fact, and extremely ignorant :(. But to stick to the topic.

There is no proof that evolution is actually real. We have no documented proof of an animal evolving to another species. We have proof of evolution within the same species (Better hoofs. Tails. Bigger Bumbs, Color change. etc). But we dont even have a partial change in a species to prove that evolution is real. All we have is perfectly functioning animals.

Furthure more, the way that we re-produce makes evolution seem even more impossible. During meiosis our cells repeatedly re-arrange the dna structure (so we can mutate easier I guess). But given the amount of time that it happens, the chances of two mutants in the same generation would seem impossible, and give that, how would the mutation continue on?

there is a theory that earth isnt solid and that under the crust is another earth (Living on the opposite side of the crust) and the core is a sun for them.

Actually speciation has been observed (albeit by artificial selection, not natural selection) in E. Coli using the presence of citric acid as a selective force.


In Topic: Do you believe in god?

23 January 2010 - 01:57 PM
