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Member Since 21 Jan 2010
Offline Aug 14 2010 09:35 PM

Topics I've Started

Beating Neopets?

16 February 2010 - 11:05 PM

Is there an ultimate goal you seek to achieve in Neopets, after which you would consider yourself to have beaten the game.

Or, is neopets a game with no end for you?

For me, beating the game means completing a collection of usuki dolls, and striking jackpot once in pawkeet slots! What about you?

What do you do while AB-ing?

22 January 2010 - 02:59 AM

So I'm a new user. Was just wondering what everyone does while AB-ing, and thought it's a good way to get more forum interaction and rack up more posts :p Haha j/k.

Anyway, I'll start first. I usually just load some movies, and 'troll' some forums, etc.

Or when I'm really bored, I try to beat motion sickness by playing 1st person tetris. Definitely worth trying out. :p

"My topic" suggestion

21 January 2010 - 11:39 PM

Right now, I'm finding it hard to keep track of the topics I have posted in, to check if there has been any replies. I am aware that in my profile, I can see the posts I have made, but I was thinking of making it more convenient.

Maybe there can be a quicklink from the main forum page to a page ("My topics") with links to all the topics a user has contributed to. Or maybe an on-board notification when someone replies to your post, etc.

Anyone has any better ideas?