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Member Since 01 Feb 2010
Offline Mar 03 2010 05:09 AM

Topics I've Started


28 February 2010 - 06:21 PM

I got iced for score sending! :(
I used a couple lists I got off of a google search, clearly my own fault... I was merely trying to get it to actually collect neopoints which worked out nicely.

Found an 7 month old account that I made so now when I start ABing I can loot up much faster.

So I guess this is just a reminder, make your own score sending lists! I use thedailyneopets.com/dailies, at the bottom there is a list of games and what score is required to send 1000NPs
Just hover over the link to grab the game ID and you should be able to compile a list very quickly! Just a tip...

The Brain Tree

04 February 2010 - 04:49 PM

I try to complete a brain tree quest every single day. I would assume alot of people give it a shot when they're bored, hoping the espohjipsfjhjfs doesn't send them off for a UB.

Just wondering if anyone has gotten one of those three(?) UB prizes you can get...