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Member Since 02 Feb 2010
Offline Oct 08 2015 08:11 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [Guide] Obtaining, Preparing For, and Using mOBSCENE's / sLAUGHTER's...

09 February 2010 - 01:55 PM

I have Windows 7 and it works fine. 64-bit also.

In Topic: ABed Items Not Selling?

05 February 2010 - 03:10 PM

I guess I'll wait.

Are you new to neopets?

I've been playing since I was a kid. However, the information for good items and what items are good selling items are never given to a noob. I've already check the item prices, and usually put it down about 2K less than the lowest. I guess some just don't sell like you guys said?

In Topic: Np Laundering

05 February 2010 - 11:06 AM

Where can I find a list of these ETS items? There's also HUNDREDS of baby paint brushes in the trading post, how long does it take on average to sell one? =/

In Topic: Np Laundering

04 February 2010 - 02:48 AM

So it's most safe to buy an ETS and then gift it to your "neofriend"?

In Topic: Proxy Address Not Allowing Me To Sign On ScoreSender/Abrosia

04 February 2010 - 02:28 AM




I know how to use a proxy on my browser. But your website shows NOTHING of how to use on the score sender, because NO ip works on the score sender and I have the beta updated one.

We don't put www.proxy.com onto Abrosia do we!? We put So my question was, what is wrong with my program, or what is wrong with the IP number because it idles after the game screen. I appreciate your help, but you give me a website where it teaches me how to surf online using a proxy, which doesn't really help.

You told me to "put the proxy ### onto my address bar, to check if it works. I think you thought I needed to check if a website for surfing neopets worked. ALL of the proxy works, but not when I take the ip proxy with the port number onto Abrosia or Score Sender. Do I make myself clear enough? Again thanks for trying to help, but I don't quite think you knew what I was asking.