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Member Since 02 Mar 2010
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Hello! Need some advice

02 March 2010 - 12:37 PM

I haven't been on neopets in about 4 years, but got a sudden urge to do some kind of bot coding for it O_o, and after a quick google search, I figured this is the best place... right?

Anyway, I have a lot of experience with.... C#, PHP, MySQL, C++, Java and probably a couple of others I forgot.

I don't want to spend a lot of time on this (as I don't have a lot of time). I kind of want to just get stuck in and get something coded. Be warned that I might just get bored and disappear at any time though :p.

When I was a noob 4 years ago I coded an auto buyer/seller (shop wizard) and auto adopter in VB, but looking around it seems that's already well covered. Sooo anyone got any ideas for something I can code from the ground up? Like, maybe something that's challenging so no one else has tried? :whistling:

Then again looking at neopets compared with how it was 4 years ago, it doesn't seem to have changed much, so maybe there's nothing useful left to do, in which case I'll just find a different site.

Eh this is quite a lame topic, sorry haha. Meh. Hi people :x3: