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Member Since 26 Jan 2005
Offline Apr 23 2005 09:50 AM

Topics I've Started

If your looking for a Sig, Come here!

05 March 2005 - 10:34 AM

You may use these sigs as long as you do not alter them in any way other than adding text (name and sub quote) to it. I will do costum requests someti'mes. Enjoy!

New Sig + av

05 March 2005 - 09:47 AM

:) Comments, suggestions, *cough* complements *cough?

posting thread glitch.

05 March 2005 - 05:42 AM

In the last few hours, in a few cases when people posted threads they double posted them. it was not their faults, it also happend to me in the tuts section. There is some kind of glitch. please fix, thanks.

Adding animation to pictures and such.

05 March 2005 - 05:32 AM

The si'mplest ani'mation you can create will have just two frames, but lots of ani'mations have many more. Check out the examples below:

The ani'mation  above is mostly one of changing colours.

It's made up of the following frames repeated rapidly one after the other:

The ani'mation below uses a moving aspect. This ani'mation is made up of ten frames. In each one the martian is moved a little further along until frame 7, when it starts to move back again:

Some I'mportant things to remember about ani'mations:

Keep all your pictures the same size

Try to make sure that the parts that change in your ani'mation
are small but still noticeable e.g. our green alien above moves
his knees one way and then the other, but although this is a small
change, it isn't one people are likely to miss.

Ani'mations can become quite large in terms of file size. To help reduce this, don't draw your pictures too big, and if the programme you are using has an Opti'misation Wizard, try running this. Don't worry, it isn't as complicated as it sounds and by doing things like removing spare frames etc, it can often reduce the file size substantially.

OK, so now you know how to ani'mate - next thing we know you'll be making people jumping, talking, winking, runing etc.

If you are still in  need of a free ani'mation program, go to  www.jasc.com and download the trial version of ani'mation shop 3.

Adding animation to pictures and such.

05 March 2005 - 05:30 AM

for some reason my thread double posted :p can someone close this one?