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Member Since 02 Apr 2010
Offline Jun 26 2012 01:18 AM

Topics I've Started

So, does everyone here actually play neopets?

26 September 2010 - 06:05 AM

Personally I don't, it's just a pass-time when I really hit rock-bottom, I much prefer to just chat to people instead of caring about the actual site.

So, does everyone here actually play neopets?

26 September 2010 - 06:05 AM

Personally I don't, it's just a pass-time when I really hit rock-bottom, I much prefer to just chat to people instead of caring about the actual site.

EDIT: Shoot, why did this post 2ce? :/

Neoquest (Not Autoplayer)

26 September 2010 - 01:06 AM

Okay, so I love playing neoquest and I just thought...
If a program was made to just incorporate the game so it's more neat... What I mean is, for an example, when you hit the monster you're fighting, you always have to guess where you'll have to click "Attack" because it's in a different position each time. I think a program that puts the images into a section, the text in a section, and then maybe different buttons along the side such as attack, potions, items, the compass move arrows, etc.
Just an idea.

Sorry if this has already been posted or even made, but I couldn't find any referance to it...

Brand New Here (:

04 April 2010 - 04:16 PM

Hello, I'm Ben.
I've just joined and thought I should say hi!
I actually read the rules before posting!!! :o But I'm kind of breaking one of them just by making this topic... :unsure:

...Ahh well :whistling: