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Member Since 08 Apr 2010
Offline Feb 12 2024 06:04 PM

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In Topic: Cults

16 May 2015 - 08:41 AM

The cult of the Catholic Church is also fascinating. 


Pretty much all organized religion is cult-like (though that's bound to offend religious folks.)

It just varies based on the religion itself.

In Topic: What really grinds YOUR gears?

16 May 2015 - 08:38 AM

People who don't vaccinate their kids. My little brother got whooping cough last year because some nutjobs were too worried about "autism" to vaccinate their kids before bringing them to his church group and there was an outbreak. Something like six kids got it and that shit lasts for weeks.

In Topic: Hangover cures

16 May 2015 - 08:36 AM

As others have said, super greasy food + boatloads of water!

Personally I like to go for pizza because it's 0 effort, but if I'm feeling up to it I'll put a tray of bacon in the oven and pair it with french fries. Mmmm, now I'm hungry!

In Topic: Cults

16 May 2015 - 08:34 AM

I, too, am fascinated by cults. I've especially always been fascinated by cults like Jonestown and Haven's Gate that end in massive suicides. I've never visited one / known of any near me but I would love to be able to see one from the inside one day. The way they can manipulate people is just mind-boggling. I think it's very akin to modern Evangelist churches that congregate by the thousands and participate in "faith healing" and things like that. It's very interesting to read about people who just forfeit their entire life's savings in these beliefs, alienate themselves from their entire family, and really believe in these types of "leaders."

In Topic: Tell me about your Steam library

16 May 2015 - 08:24 AM

I have a lot of games that I almost never play :p


The boyfriend loves survival games, so I have DayZ, ARMA II, H1Z1, 7 Days to Die, Rust, Life is Feudal ... and we barely touch them because he gets bored easily.  :lol2:

I think I have 25 hours in DayZ and 36 hours in Rust.


I think the game I got for myself that I like the most is Prison Architect or Game Dev Tycoon :) I love tycoon games and building games!

I also love Fallout, but don't have a lot of played time because I played it mostly on a torrented copy before I could afford it.


Oh! I do also have a ton of hours on Sims 4 in Origin, though!