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Member Since 13 Apr 2005
Offline Nov 07 2005 07:17 AM

Topics I've Started

Blah Sig

23 April 2005 - 02:57 PM

Well, here's another sig I just made... saw this render, had to use it... really bad sig in my opinion, but we'll see... I blended in the render cause I just felt as though everyone hear likes that... ;p

Attached File  blah.jpg   35.89KB   18 downloads


New Style of Sig

21 April 2005 - 12:08 PM

Alright... I don't have anything to do in my independent study: webdesign class, so I make sigs... hence why I'm always posting new sigs... lol

Posted Image

Wasn't sure where to put my name... I used these renders cause I just got them and felt like using them.

let me know what you think.

Best Sig EVER! w00t

20 April 2005 - 03:29 PM

Posted Image

v2 (added some brightness/contrast and some multicoloring):
Posted Image

v3 (didn't like v2, went on to this):
Posted Image

The background I made completely from scratch (from a bryce render I did). It was a wallpaper but I just made it into a sig. Ya... let me know what else I should do.

New Sig

19 April 2005 - 11:53 AM

Posted Image

not my best... maybe not my worst... but let me know what you think. I personally don't like it, but I figured I'd post it

[Discussion]Renders Stock (images)

18 April 2005 - 03:27 PM

Alright, this topic isn't for posting links to renders or showing off yours or whatever... hence why I put [Disbecausesion] in the title. This topic is a disbecausesion. The topic is renders.

Anyways, meh, the basic point of this topic is to say whether you prefer blending your renders or just leaving them as is, or spiffing them up and making them stand out, or whatever the heck you do. lol Say what you normally do and why.

note: When I am refering to renders, I'm talking about those characters that goes in sigs (go to gamerenders.com to see what I mean if you're still confussed). if you still don't get it, ask. This is not C4D renders.


As for me, I believe in making my renders stand out. It seems as though everyone is continuosly saying to blend in renders which gets anoying. Why not just make a stickied topic that says: Blend your render. ^^ Blending renders has been around for a long time, is very easy to do (lower opacity, play with blending mode, feather, etc.) and it seems as though that's what everyone is doing. I think some pics the render should be blended in. However, I think renders should only be blended in if the bg is AWESOME! That's the point, right? To make the background stand out more than the render.

I like making my render stand out more than the bg just because then it adds uniqueness to the graphic communities and then that's what catches the viewers attention. It's much harder to make a render stand out than it is to blend it in. There is more skill invovled and it's a way to tell the intermediates from the pros. You can do a very simple background, but having a very nice looking render could make all the different for your sigs.

any other opinions on this?


((I figured I'd mention this just to state an opinion so that people know that this option is available. Too many people start doing their pics like this and they don't get how to make them stand out. So they get really good, but have no knowledge of this.))