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Member Since 29 Jun 2010
Offline Dec 13 2014 11:54 AM

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Odd Music Interests: What music are YOU into?

13 December 2014 - 11:47 AM

Myself, I have quite an odd grab-bag of ear-candy flavors myself, that is to say, genres I listen to.


I've been known to headbang to stoner metal/stoner rock artists such as Clutch, Tool, and Truckfighters, while a few minutes later I'll be singing along to Skyscrapers by OK Go.  Maybe an hour or two later I'll bring up some glitch hop and bounce my head to the rhythm, then swap to some bluegrass covers of Metallica. I'm a fan of Alternative, Dubstep, Glitch Hop, DnB, Heavy Rock, Stoner Metal/Rock, and Bluegrass. Meanwhile, Country (the NEW stuff that's trying to hard to be rock with a southern accent) and most rap I dispise. Eminem though (might be unintentional racism) is a good listen now and then.


What kinda music do you like? Do you have a weirder grab-bag of genres than me?