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Member Since 04 Jul 2005
Offline Feb 10 2018 06:42 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Why i've been absent, yo (and will continue to be for a while)

15 October 2010 - 07:24 AM

Congrats for being who you want to be :)

In Topic: I can't use the restock list generator

16 November 2009 - 12:03 AM

I've made about two million and I'm not an advanced member. It just takes patients and you'll get it down. I think I've been using Abrosia for almost a month now. I can't complain, making NP while I'm at school or at work is nice, I don't have to actually do much anymore!

In Topic: Pystar gets crushed in court.

15 November 2009 - 12:28 AM

That's disgusting :(

In Topic: Dirty fucking scum.

06 November 2009 - 08:58 PM

Man I watched this take place on the news! It's always some lunatic trying to murder everyone! I feel bad for the ones who were killed/hurt, and their families. I hope this dude gets executed, woo death penalty!

In Topic: Welcome Dan, our new super moderator

29 October 2009 - 09:17 AM

Wow you joined in '05 and have <100 posts.

Not insulting you, it's just an observation not usually made. o,o.

Btw, "Sadeghi"? Are you Iranian?

For a while I never got on that's all. Like a week or two ago when I remembered Neopets, I remembered Neocodex and started being active again :D. It's all good, and you're pretty good, I am Iranian, well, half anyway :D! Well this topic is for Dan so let's talk about him! He's been popping up everywhere lately so he's doing a good job keeping on top of things.