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Member Since 17 Aug 2007
Offline Sep 05 2011 05:21 PM

Topics I've Started

Is there a stripped down(or not) free version of photoshop?

18 September 2007 - 06:46 AM

Is there a free version of photoshop? first off... NO im not looking for wareaz... if i wanted that id go DL it.

im just curious if there is a legal free version of photoshop that doesnt have a 30day trial tagged onto it. Like microsoft gives out free versions of VB Express which is virtually VB but some of it is stripped down.

Does anyone else use several virtual desktops?

17 September 2007 - 12:46 AM

well i have vista and ive tried seemingly every desktop manager out there and none of them seem to work on vista except Yom'd its pretty sweet. It has a 3D cube that shows all your desktops that you rotate. id post a screenshot but it doesnt seem to let me take one while in cube thing sad.gif so ill just post the immage from google you can change the transpearancy of the cube. the background in which the cube is displayed and the background and settings individually on each of the desktops. only downside that i see is that all the icons have to be on every desktop but you can move them arround individually so i just shove all of them that i dont want to use on that particular desktop in a corner on top of eachother so it doesnt look like they are there at all. and as far as i know its freeware so its yours forever ohmy.gif you can get it Here

Does anyone else use one? or anything similar?

so... today was my first day

07 September 2007 - 10:58 PM

so, today was my first day of college(well second accually) and i took all my computer courses over those 2 days and now i find out i dont have to go to my programming class for the first 3 weeks because i couldnt test out of the entire course because the end has to do with sql and databases(which i know nothing about) so im way ahead of everyone else who thinks its a completely foreing language and is freaking out because they cant make "hello world" work or are excited because they did get it to work. tongue.gif and i dont have to go to my software applications class ever except for 20min a week(out of a 3 hour class) because i could potentially do it all online and only show up for a "timelyness" 5% grade drool.gif ... so overall im pretty psyched thumbsup.gif .. so how is school going for all of you?

i dont think its possible for neopets to IP ban me

29 August 2007 - 04:54 AM

i dont play neopets but i might if they really cant IP ban me. I have a wireless internet connection and every 18-30 hours of use my internet disconnects and reconnects and my ip changes. lol. or do you think they would disable my account because im using so many diff IP's? i just want your thoughts on weather i should or shouldnt play. because if i cant then damn i could create 20 accounts on 20 diff emails and just log on each one and never be caught using the same IP on all of them lol.

.img install file?

24 August 2007 - 12:10 AM

So, i was looking for visual baisc download(trial version, full version, w/e i could find) so i searched google and found that microsoft has free 90day trials so i went to download it and the file type is .img....any idea what thats all about i am completely confused about it? its an accual microsoft website so i dont knkow why its a .img file or how i can install it if i were to ever spend 30 hrs downloading it here is the link if you want to see ClickMe

Quick Details
File Name: En_vs_2005_Pro_90_Trial.img
Version: 2005
Date Published: 6/29/2006
Language: English
Download Size: 2734.3 MB
Estimated Download Time: 88 Hr 20min

clearly i decided not to download it seeing as it was 2.7g over my shitty connection of like 10kb/s because i have wireless unless i disable everything including explorer, then i get like 30kb/s but still im not going to leave my labtop on for 29 hours.

so i was wondering if anyone knows anywhere i can find a visual basic download trial or w/e that wont take 30hrs to DL or why that is a .img file.

Thanks smile.gif