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Member Since 16 Aug 2010
Offline Oct 01 2010 10:47 AM

Topics I've Started

Buying Pets

17 August 2010 - 08:59 PM

Is it more cost-effective to buy a pet with increased stats rather than training my own? and what would the cost be roughly for a non-transformed and painted pet but with increased stats. ballpark please?

6-7 Year Absent and i'm back!

16 August 2010 - 09:11 AM

hey everyone i use to play this game years ago until my account got iced because my friend got too excited to buy the SOS and transfered some money from one account to another through the shops...o well lost a bunch of stuff back then and kinda didn't feel like working to get back there. (didn't have ab's back then). well all my days of rsing at the general petpet shop and spooky foods shop will be returning. I'm assuming the same pets still all restock there? the molten bird (can't remember the name), cadro and some other pets im sure. Anything new that i should really know about or look out for? Majakita still play?