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Member Since 06 Jul 2005
Offline Oct 27 2008 12:27 AM

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The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime in Australia

25 January 2007 - 04:25 AM

To read the artical please go here: http://www.quadrant....?article_id=581 because its long lol tongue.gif.

Myself i leave in sydney and im lebanese but i walk down the streets and this one time this girl said are u a gangest im like wtf. Only because people of my kind have did shit lol look what it has done its effected the way i look, lol doesnt mind me, gets girls but besides that what u think.

This i dont get:

"AN EXAMPLE of the confrontations police nearly always experienced in Muslim-dominated areas when confronting even the most minor of crimes is an incident that occurred in 2001 in Auburn. Two uniformed officers stopped a motor vehicle containing three well known male offenders of Middle Eastern origin, on credible information via the police radio that indicated that the occupants of the vehicle had been involved in a series of break-and-enters. What occurred during the next few hours can only be described as frightening.

When searching the vehicle and finding stolen property from the break-and-enter, the police were physically threatened by the three occupants of the car, including references to tracking down where the officers lived, killing them and “fucking your girlfriends”. The two officers were intimidated to the point of retreating to their police car and calling for urgent assistance. When police back-up arrived, the three occupants called their associates via their mobile phones, which incidentally is the Middle Eastern radio network used to communicate amongst gangs. Within minutes as many as twenty associates arrived as well as another forty or so from the street where they had been stopped. As further police cars arrived, the Middle Eastern males became even more aggressive, throwing punches at police, pushing police over onto the ground, threatening them with violence and damaging police vehicles.

When the duty officer arrived, he immediately ordered all police back into their vehicles and they retreated from the scene. The stolen property was not recovered. No offender was arrested for assaulting police or damaging police vehicles.

But the humiliation did not end there. The group of Middle Eastern males then drove to the police station, where they intimidated the station staff, damaged property and virtually held a suburban police station hostage. The police were powerless. The duty officer ordered police not to confront the offenders but to call for back-up from nearby stations. Eventually the offenders left of their own volition. No action was taken against them."

How can a police station LOSE ITS POWER. Lol i leave in auburn pretty safe place.

Buying a bunch Neo accounts 3 days old for 5$USD

03 January 2007 - 12:11 AM

Buying a bunch Neo accounts 3 days old for 5$USD

Hey if you got myspace come here

20 November 2006 - 09:29 PM

If you got myspace add me at this invite link

so what u think of els1 graffiti

23 October 2006 - 03:44 AM

SO what you think of els1 graffit for the wog 69 crew tongue.gif ohh im leb by the way tongue.gif

Hey im back

04 October 2006 - 08:51 PM

LOL it been ages since i was here and post well im back tongue.gif thumbsup.gif