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Member Since 08 Jul 2005
Offline Dec 22 2010 09:47 AM

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In Topic: What are your opinions on shoplifting?

22 December 2010 - 09:39 AM

I'm not big into retail employment, but don't the paychecks of the blue collars @ walmart and whatnot suffer from this stuff?

In the general sense, whatever hurts myself I'm big on *lol*...but if others get caught up for my doings, I feel a little bad :|

Haven't shoplifted since I was like 10...and I only did it once or twice.

1) It's too much effort for items with minimal value
2) I hate it when employees carry their stereotypical values and prejudice around with them as they're hiding 5 ft away from me in wait as I hover over the 5 cent sour patch kiddies

and what's up with the "oh they do it too, so why can't I" responses...I know neopets is a kids game but that doesn't mean you need a childlike mind to play, amiright?

Haven't been on in a long while...and now looking at my post count..either I'm on the wrong account
or the mods have been doing a good cleaning of the forum since...2005 0_0