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Member Since 23 Oct 2010
Offline Mar 02 2011 02:57 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Stock Market

28 October 2010 - 04:38 PM

I really wish they had a stock history, I feel so helpless buying stocks randomly.

neodaq has stock charts which show the trading value of every stock (current and the few that went bankrupt).

There are a few (MYNC is a good example) which regularily soar above 60 but I typically set my sell target at 40 no matter how greedy or lucky I feel. If you look at the stock charts most stocks hit 40 every year or so which means if you buy 1000 shares at 15 every day and wait for 40 you make 25K a day. Not huge profit but its nice to have :)

In Topic: Interesting Events - the good, the bad and the ugly

28 October 2010 - 02:56 PM

I know this is less exciting than most achievements but I finally got my Ultimate Riches account ($10M NP).

Of course most of the credit goes to good old ABrosia as since joining Neocodex I have netted a little over a million.

Not bad for less than a weeks work.

Thanks Neocodex!

In Topic: Hello. Neocodex ROCKS!!!!

27 October 2010 - 03:40 PM

67k? pffttt... Spend a few days here and you'll see that as chump change.

Welcome to Codex!

Purchase price 67k. Imma gonna sell it for 1.5M - 2M which ain't bad for a few mouse-clicks :D. If that's chump-change the call me a chump!

BTW - to the guy looking for cars I have a 99 Chevy SS convertable with the full SLP performance package for fun and a Denali XL for comfort. with gas pushing $4/gallon in Canada they are yours if you want them :p

Thanks for the welcome guys. I get pretty busy IRL but will try to contribute when I can.