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Member Since 26 Oct 2010
Offline Dec 04 2010 11:03 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: N. Korea fires on S. Korea

30 November 2010 - 01:48 PM

Yeah, we can annihilate the entire earth like 5x over... but they only need to get a couple off on us and boom. Let alone fallout and radiation poisoning for years to come...

So despite the fact that they CAN nuke... and nuclear war is possible in the coming years... More importantly, this puts the U.S. in quite a bind as were are officially involved in that war... yet China has us in their pocket for finances...

Also, I reiterate my original sentiment to your comment about wishing we would nuke someone. Mass genocide is wrong... plain and simple. And if we go willy-nilly nuking people, I assure you we won't have anything on any store shelves because it all comes from out of the country... and other than that, as if we didn't already have enough countries hating us, you are talking about a massive world movement to wipe us from the globe.

I'm tired and need rest, but please think before you say such ignorant and immoral things.

Peace and love to all around the globe. :)

Sometimes things that are "wrong" (i don't even know what you mean by that, it is such a general term. morally wrong? environmentally wrong? what?) and things that are necessary to ensure a greater good do not coincide.

I bet you get all bleeding heart over Hiroshima too. Although Nagasaki was unnecessary.

There are no absolutes when it comes to these types of things. If you think so, you are either christian, an idealist, or retarded (retarded idealist is synonymous with some christians. some of them.) Not literally retarded though, because like those kids don't even care.

Sorry had to get my daily troll in.

In Topic: Question for all you couples (or bored people)

17 November 2010 - 09:03 AM

What the hell do you and your significant other do when you're bored? (And PLEASE don't state the obvious, we already have lots of sex.) :o
Also, nothing that you'd have to pay for or go into town to do, we're two broke ass losers.

As of now we just watch a lot of TV, smoke, drink if we have the money, eat, sleep, go walk around outside, and play video games. Anything interesting you guys like to do?
(probably not, but it's worth a try.)

talk mostly. i think most of the stuff we do involves money......although sometimes we go to the mall and just walk around looking at stuff (pet stores are fun). also look at youtube vids. or occasionally, play music together. one time he attempted to teach me sports. i suppose if you are a more active couple, you could exercise together, run, play basketball, that kind of thing. cooking together is fun too, but that also costs money.

In Topic: Why I'll be absent for a while

16 November 2010 - 04:00 PM

I don't know who you are, and I don't know how many people know you irl. Assuming any of the things you've been saying are even true, maybe you should go talk to a professional rather than a forum? You know, since you've been beaten and lived in a car? Especially since your alleged mother is allegedly bipolar (hereditary). There are free clinics/places where people can help you out and refer you. Have you tried that?

In Topic: Ego Softening/Loss

16 November 2010 - 03:43 PM


In Topic: Ego Softening/Loss

16 November 2010 - 03:43 PM

So this happens to me pretty frequently, especially recently, but I will start going off into my thoughts and at some point I think of my age and realize that I'm not as old/older than I think I am... This has happened probably 4 times this week.

Earlier, I was going about thinking and I realized that I'm not 24...

Some other examples are like... I will be thinking deeply about the life of someone else and I will sometimes have to remember that I am not that person... like I completely leave my body and go into theirs... only to slowly come back and realize I have a body of my own. I think this is actually how the age thing usually happens.. I'll be off thinking of someone else and then their age somehow reminds me that I am not them...

Now this is all sober... but I can recall times where friends have completely forgotten their names on psychedelics before... normally that experience doesn't bother me... I'm just so happy being Here. Now. That not having an ego to attach myself to is so burden free...

So, other than clear schizoid personality disorder (:p), I can only assume that this is simply a result of me having a softened attachment to my ego... so soft of an attachment that I will detach entirely from time to time and just float on...

I don't REALLY know where I'm going with this... but I kind of wanted some input on if things like this happen to other people often or if maybe you guys have anything to add about ego detachment etc...

This has become too frequent recently for me to just pass it off without a second thought...

so yar.... in true StM fashion...


care to elaborate a bit more? how often does this happen? do you really, literally, think you are the other person, or was that statement more of a metaphorical thing?

also schizoid personality disorder is more of a detachment from others, so it's not exactly what you've been describing.