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Member Since 09 Nov 2010
Offline Nov 25 2010 01:08 AM

Topics I've Started

Account problems, ahem. Anyone who could help me will be utterly adored.

20 November 2010 - 09:48 AM

So...I bought a list of shells I thought were inactive. I have never used proxies before so all my beloved accounts, including my main, are registered on the same IP. I logged into one of the shells, pounded a pet and did some dailies. I may have offered items on a trade lot belonging to my main, I don't remember. Anyhow, I later found out this friggin' "inactive" shell was ACTIVE. The account was iced by the person or by tnt hours later and it's now weekend.

1) Does it mean anything (positive) that my accounts are all okay (if the active account itself was frozen already)?
2) Do I still have a chance of being chain-frozen?
3) Any suggestions to protect my pets/accounts/nps? ;___;