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Member Since 11 Nov 2010
Offline Jul 18 2011 01:42 AM

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In Topic: [GUIDE] How to compose your own SS list

18 December 2010 - 09:50 PM

I realise this thread is a wee bit old, but I just wanted to say thanks for posting how to create lists. :) I've been intrigued on how this whole shibang works for a while now, so seeing how it's put together is pretty nifty.
Very helpful, guys! Thanks!

In Topic: I read the greatest thing today.

06 December 2010 - 01:11 PM

Arguing against sweeney is just completely pointless. He will always change the subject when things are not going his way. You can give him 50 facts, and only one is wrong. He will attack just that one, and ignore the rest.

Its not a fun, or good, or even productive argument. Its just him trying to act smart. Best to ignore it.

I simply cannot argue with iargue.

I'll take this advice & be gone!

In Topic: I read the greatest thing today.

06 December 2010 - 01:09 PM

How embarrassing for us.

Only if you don't understand the meaning of the word.

I think she meant she is so cool.

Anywhoo, I'm out; grub time.
Enjoy the pillow talk. (Floor talk?)

Also, Sweeney, before you hop back up on that high horse, take note:
I have multitudes of books. I'm currently renovating one of the rooms in my house into a swanky library. ;) I have shit-tons (technical phrase) of shelves and shelving units.
My floor..? It's still the largest shelf of them all. :p

In Topic: I read the greatest thing today.

06 December 2010 - 01:03 PM

I'm English. We have comedians older than your entire country.
I think the idea that my palette is considerably more refined than your own is self-evident.

"Self" evident being the key phrase here... :p

In Topic: I read the greatest thing today.

06 December 2010 - 12:55 PM

It's my experience that humorous statements tend to have a more favourable impact when they're, you know, actually humorous.

It's my experience that any statement tends to have a more favourable impact when they're, you know, not primarily based on one's subjectivity.
Humor is subjective; *I* found it amusing. You did not. :p

Edit:// I am aware this post is base on my own subjectivity :p